Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Now It Is Wednesday Evening!!!!

Hello. The day flies bye, weather is strange, wants to storm, rain, rage, but does nothing but cloud and hide the blue of the sky. The worker cars are parked under 'my' window and there is a new grey truck, good looking an I bet it cost plenty. There is a beige truck with blue trim, a red sedan, a grey wagon an the bird is on the roof top and has been there all Some things never change. I was off and away with Christine watching Hallmark Movies and enjoying them. It was a down day, not really a bad weather day just a cloudy one and a quiet one. I enjoyed the television movies and the chance to get a few things done for Chris with some left over Gallery stuff. There is always something to I came home to an empty refrigerator, forgot I had used up all that was there and have to shop. I made do with some soup and crackers, wasn't all that hungry anyway....well if you put a piece of pie or a cake in front of me I would have devoured I had a good day. It is good to have the shoes off, quiet, tv on and my easy chair waiting for me. I did get to the doctor who looked at the foot, gave it a pat and sent me on my way...there really is nothing he can do unless I went for a major surgery of some kind which I don't think I'd do. It isn't all bad, just gives me the know how on what a leg and a foot is all about...have had them for years so I think I'll be patient and let them live their lifetime So I am in...I have my shoes on and it has closed down a couple of times , seems there is some problem around, not sure what, but at the moment it is okay again. The bird is on the roof top. The trees are still. The sky is light grey, almost cloudy, still...only three cars on the lot and one is plastered with pictures and writing, looks awful, some kind of paint used that does not wipe off. Even the windows are 'chalked'; bet the owner is upset. So...that is my hello for today...I hope your day was a good one, filled with love and fun. I hope you shared you with those you love and like. Catch up when you have some time. Sleep sweet when you get there. Hugs to all.

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