Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Now It's Wednesday Morning!!!

Smile, hump day, looks overcast out there, the little bird is on the roof top, the worker cars are parked under my window and silence....not a leaf stirring, nothing moving at the moment and the full bird feeders are just hanging, not a bird in sight...well, I take that back, the big bird is on the roof top watching the workers come in and park. It is quiet...silence....shades down. I am almost eye; hot and black....tasty.....a wake up drink. You have heard all my, what news??? ha, ha...there just isn't anything new and different this morning. One eye open, a wish to go off and see some sights and enjoy time away but that remains to be seen as I have no idea what the girls have in mind for the day. I am sure they have things in mind, places to go and will catch up with me later. How lucky I am to have them and am thankful for all they do. Right now silence inside and out. The sky is a pumice color, like a time before the clouds let loose. No clouds, just a huge milky looking sky and all is quiet. It is always interesting to see the difference in the cars and trucks parked out there. The pay scale must be good as there is not a junker in the lot. The new shade in the cars seems to be a light beige, almost white, but not quite. A new day, hopefully a full and busy day for all. I am off to enjoy my coffee, feet up, tv on, no rush, no fuss, no rushing around ...retired until I have to I wish you a good day, a healthy day, a day to make memories. I hope that you share you with those you love and like. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU. Catch up when you have time to share. Hugs to all.

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