Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, October 15, 2018

A New Morning!!

I do not have a picture of the outside world this morning, but if I did it would be a cloudless sky, but, one of shades of blue, mostly a still dark blue with spots of lighter blue showing up, yep, morning is on its way.  The trees are still, although I think the little branches on the very top are swaying a little, could be my imagination but then it could be a bit of wind up there.   There are lights on in three of the hospital windows, no one seems to be moving around but hunkered down watching the television.  My television has a commercial on about food...but it doesn't do me any good...ha.ha.  I have to go to the kitchen and fix my own.    I think someone should come up with one of those commercial kitchens attached somehow to each apartment and all you would have to do is push a button and your breakfast , of choice, would come out of a little window and you would be able to relax and would probably cost a mint so I'll go out and make my own coffee and find something to go with it...what??? there is nothing good in this house!!!

A new Monday which I hope is going to be one of the best yet.   I hope you find things to do that please you and an invitation or two before the day is over.   I have dust kitties to chase, a laundry to do and if all the feathers are still in the duster I might take a walk around the room.   It is Monday, all day, and a start of a work day for all, I will love you and leave you to get your chores done.  Right now the sky is a soft baby blue, the trees are moving a tiny bit, the worker cars are parked under my window and no empty spaces this morning.  Have yourself a good day, all day, and don't forget to let a smile be your umbrella even if it is not a rainy!!!  Be good, be kind, be gentle, be the someone special who makes those around you smile.  Hugs to all. ...and the little bird is on the roof top ready for a new day!!

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