Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hump Day!!!

Good Morning, Hump Day, mid week, and time to celebrate all the spooks we know, ha, ha...How are you this morning?   The court yard is pitch black with the exception of one small light on the side of the hospital building across the court yard.  Cars are moving in and out so the night shift is going home for rest and the morning crew is coming in for a new day.   It is quiet around here, not a soul moving yet, no hurry, it is very early.

My coffee cup is empty, there is nothing good in this house and I am thinking of a nice be fat jelly doughnut but will settle for a piece of toast and some jelly if there is any left in the jar.   Good stuff just doesn't stay around here!!

I hope you have lots of little spooks visit you this Halloween.   Hopefully it will not rain but most years there is always a little shower or two to threaten those little ones, and a few big folks here put out a dish of candy so you can help yourself as they hunker down and ignore all the 'work' entailed in handing out goodies.

I remember when we used to cook up doughnuts to give out and it was a hit of our neighborhood.   Ah, the good old days...memories of fun times.

I wish you a Happy Halloween...have fun and spook all you can.

Hugs to all.

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