Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Morning

My little block calendar says "Now it's Sunday Morning" and it is....pitch black out in the courtyard, no lights on over in the hospital wing and the night light on the side of the building shows a reflection of the light on a car trunk.  It is quiet...silence is awesome and you cannot tell where the sky begins or ends in the darkness of early morning.   I did not go anywhere or do anything exciting so there is little to write about this morning.   I have no special plans for today but I am sure something will develop and I will be off and running....well I am not sure about running but the feet are still willing to walk and I am thankful for that.

Looking out my window to pitch blackness is interesting, especially when the tiny outside light reflects on the side of the building and in the puddle on the ground.  There is one light on in a room but no one moving about, well the blind is down so I couldn't see if there was anyone up or not...unless their shadow appears on the blind....but I have things to do, writing to finish, hot coffee ..a refill already...where did that last cup of coffee eyes popped open so I know where it went.  smile!!!

So....I wish you a good day ...all day...I wish you love and laughter in your day...celebrate a new day and share YOU with those you love and like.   Make a plan to do something good for a family member or a friend.....lunch out is always fun and you get to choose what you want...if it is breakfast I am betting a big fat jelly doughnut is on the am thinking a 'dropped egg' wouldn't be all am off and out to the kitchen to drop or, to be more in tune, poach an egg, place it on some toast and gobble it up.....sounds good to me.

I wish you a blessed Sunday with memories piling up and laughter today.   To make a friend you have to be a friend so with that in sweet, but not over bearing, be kind as someone needs a little of that today...just YOU...and have a great day all day.

Hugs to all.

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