Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

A New Saturday!!!

Good morning!!!  I am almost awake, coffee in the eyes will open and the brain kick in gear and we will be on our way to a new Saturday, all day....cannot see where the sky begins and ends;   dark outside my window with the exception of the roof lights on the hospital wing.  There is one window shade open showing a lovely little Christmas tree with a very bright star.  Cars are moving in, workers coming in for the day and I am betting they are wishing they were cuddled in their beds snoozing for another hour or is work and someone has to do it.   Glad my working days are behind me, although they were fun and good while they lasted. 

A new Saturday to enjoy and I think my girls are taking me up town to see the Christmas decorations and browse a bit.  I am thinking I'll treat them to lunch out and I know where they serve a very good tasty hamburger. So.....I will love you and leave you and open the other   Have yourself a good day, all day, doing what it is you want to do...that is important....remember not what you HAVE to do but what you WANT to

Get in the spirit and shop until you drop...get that list down to a bare minimum.   The candy shop has a delightful selection of goodies that please the hardest taste on your list...go see...If you do not make your own fudge they do have some that is very good and tasty.   Bon bons are never out of style.   smile.

Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!!  Have one of those days you just cannot forget and don't want to.    Hugs to all.

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