Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Friday, December 28, 2018


The old adage of 'time flies when your having fun' must be in good stead as it is Friday morning and I'd say about five a.m. and it is pitch black outside, no cars moving, no lights on in the hospital wing and here I am wide awake, seconds on coffee and wishing I was a sleeper so I could be snoozing for another hour or so...but...that is not what my body clock has to say and here I am wide awake, empty cup, and trying to find a few words of greeting....that is not easy at this time of day....but you are worth the effort...ha.ha.   smile...not everyone has a wake up hello at five a..m....ha,ha...and I am sure really does not want I'll be kind and wish you a good day, all day, doing what you want to do.  I hope your day is special...just like YOU!!!   Have a good one.  I'm off for a refill and check out the news.    Make your today a 'banner' one!!!  Hugs to all.

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