Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sunday, Sunday, la, la, la.....

Good Morning.  It has to be a little after five a.m. and I am drinking my first cup of hot coffee...aah!!!  It is pitch black out my widow as far as the sky is concerned, but there is one light on in one of the hospital rooms and a tiny Christmas tree is all aglow...very pretty. is very early .... and I am waking up, have a way to go but working on it.   Now you may be hunkered down, snoozing away, lost in a lovely dream world with no intention of getting up for some time....lucky you.

We have a new Sunday and if all goes well we will make good use of it.  I have no plans at the moment, but when you have only one eye open and still thinking of waking up when you know you would much rather go back to bed, shut of the light and get in a few more hours but a life time habit of early up works still and the body clock listens...but, not to

The worker cars are coming in, one parking under my window right now.  I hope the coffee pot is on for them as it is much to early to be up and moving.  You can bet the patients are sleeping with no need or want to be awake at this early hour.  I see the pavement is still wet so we must have had some rain in the night.   So....lets take a page from their book, go back to bed, snooze for another hour or so and then start a new Sunday.   I cannot see anything wrong with that...can you? 

Have yourself a good Sunday doing what you want to do ..not what you have to do..ha.ha.   fat chance....the chores await Sunday or not.   So....I will go for a refill, hunker down in my easy chair, turn n the  tv and sleep through whatever is on...sounds like plan.  Go....have yourself a good day, all day, doing what you want to do....finish your shopping;  visit a friend;   take someone to lunch, just make sure you make today a good day, all day.  Hugs to all.

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