Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Now it is Saturday Morning!!!

Good Morning. It is hazy out there and all the worker cars are in, well almost, from my window to the left but the right side is empty still...but not for long as the workers will be waking up and coming in for the day. It is quiet. It is windless. It is silent. The little bird is on the roof top and my coffee cup is here waiting for back in a minute or too....sip, sip...aah!!!! Grey skies, no wind, silence, folks sleeping in this morning. A new Saturday to fill and no plans so far but then I only have one eye open. My coffee cup is empty already so you know what my next steps are.....I'll be back. I did not go anywhere or do anything exciting yesterday. A sort of lazy day doing a lot of little things to make the apartment look bright and cherry. It is the homey look I go for, books, papers, feet up on the hassock and hunker down...aah....that is a good way to spend some leisure time. It is easy to keep the tea pot at the ready but it is much harder to have something 'good' to go with it as I love to eat all kinds of goodies...not a bit fussy and there is usually nothing good in this have heard that lament once or twice. My neighbor is out walking his 'long' dog; ambling along like he is awake but I bet he is still snoozing, sleep walking, I bet. There is a new white car that just drove in and a lovely brand new navy blue. The workers are greeting one another and a new work day begins.No wind, not a bit of a breeze this morning. Silence. Stillness....tiny bird looking for something to eat. A new Saturday and I hope you have one that will live in your memory banks for a long time to come. I hope you have someone to share time with and have a chance to make plans to go out and about doing what you love to do best. I hope your day is going to be special, like YOU.....go...make your today a good one. I am off for a refill, feet up on the hassock, tv on, no rush, no fuss...aah..Saturday morning!!! Hugs to all.

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