Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Now It's Sunday Morning!!

Good Morning!!! The sun is shining on the side of the hospital wing, bright and beautiful, making shadows on the side of the building showing off the tree leaves, and the little bird is sitting up on top of the roof looking over the incoming cars. A new day. The worker cars are parked on my side, under my window and there is a black truck, two silver cars and one black car so far. The workers are coming in slowly parking in their spot but for the most part walk quickly into the building for a new work day. The blinds are still down, silence, even the trees are not moving this morning. Quiet, Silence, a quiet time of morning. I am awake, well almost...working on it. Coffee cup is empty so need a refill....and off I go. Aah, and tasty, a wake Sunday morning, leaves on the trees are still, There are some empty spaces in the parking area and I see two brand new grey cars this morning, beautiful shade of light grey, same in color but different in style. I would say that the Saturday 'doings' at the Gallery was well attended and we all had a good time. Delicious treats and happy folks, a winning combination. So we have a new Sunday to fill. The little birds are over at the feeders and one is swinging while three birds vie for space. It doesn't take them long to empty a feeder. I would say it is a first come first served . My neighbor is walking his little dog. I am in need of a refill of my coffee so off I go, easy chair, tv for awhile and a new Sunday to fill with family and friends,and a good deed or two...enjoy today, don't waste your good, be kind, be loving. Hugs to all.

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