Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Now It is Thursday Morning!!!

Good morning. I am awake; well, that is up for debate, smile.....I am up. I have open eyes but the brain is still waking up and it seems in no hurry this morning. It is quiet in the parking lot and all of the worker cars are parked under my window. There is three dark shades either black or blue, and, three white all without a dent in the bunch. There is a new light grey one out there this morning and it is a beauty, a wagon, black trim, good looking and twice the size of the little white one beside it. I'd say quite a size difference. The blinds are still down in the hospital wing, the little bird on the roof top and not a leaf of the trees moving. The sky is more silver than blue and all is quiet. I have open eyes but that doesn't say the brain is awake, although it is waking up. I need some more coffee so will go and fill my cup so I can stay a visit a little while. It is a little after seven a.m. and the sky is soft white rather than blue in shade. The tree tops are still and the little bird is sitting on the roof top watching the workers park for the day. It is amazing to see the differences in the cars; they are parked in front of my window and I an see three dark cars, more like a dark navy in color, not a ding to be had. The silver one is a beauty and the white one is compact, looking lost with all the larger sized cars. No noise, no one on the move out there. The tarmac is dry but the chance of weather is high as it looks like it wants to rain out there. I wish you all a good day, a happy day doing what you want to do and a little of what you have to Make your day a good one, share you with those you love and like. Remember to be good, to be kind, to be gentle and of course loving. Don't forget a good deed or two. Take time out to celebrate today. Hugs to all.

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