Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fall Colors !!!

It is Thursday morning, a little after nine a.m. and it is quiet outside. The worker cars are parked outside my window, facing in, and there are a few baubles hanging from the It is quiet. It is still. It is a beautiful mirage of color as the trees have turned and wearing a winter coat of gorgeous color. I am not sure russet does it justice, the combinations are really beautiful. The signs of nature changing colors and each bush and tree take on a life of their own. The worker cars are lined up but darkness prevails within and you cannot see much of anything but the baubles hanging from the mirrors. All is quiet, even the bird on the roof top is quiet, not a bit of movement in a long time. It must like it up there. I have no new news, all is quiet around here and I am waiting for lunch time. I hope to do a bit of puzzling with the ladies today so will stay up for awhile. It is always fun to find the pieces and watch the puzzle change to a glowing picture. It has been quiet, no new news, so I am off to watch a little more of the television and then off to lunch with the ladies. I am hungry, wonder what is on the menu today...something tasty I, there is nothing wrong with an appetite.....ha.ha. I'd share if you were here. I am off...I am going to put my shoes on. I am going out the door soon and I will be sharing with the ladies a bit of something tasty, I hope....wonder what is on the menu today...I'll soon find Have yourself a good day, a fun day, a day shared with those you love and like. Be a good friend....Hugs to all.

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