Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My little calendar says it is Wednesday!!!!

What happened to Tuesday??? Time passes so quickly...not sure I like it as I am slowing down and it is racing ahead leaving me wondering "what's up?"Not me....ha.ha. I am moving but slowly this morning....soft blue skies out there, worker cars parked in front of my window and silence, even the little bird is on the roof top and quietly watching the workers park. A new work day. A pewter sky, bright and not much color over by the east, almost white but bright and beautiful anyway. Silence, worker cars parked for the day, and the little bird is over on the roof top watching the workers come in for the day. The cars that are parked in front of my window are all dark blue, almost black with the exception of one light grey. The blinds are still drawn int he hospital wing but one room and that person is up and moving, ready to start a new day. Coffee to sip, hot and delicious, I' awake, I'm awake, well....almost. The sun light is on the tree tops and I see that the colors have started to change already. We are in for an early Fall. Stillness, nothing moving at all, silence and the little bird sits quietly watching. I have no new news. I have no old news either..ha.ha. but I wish you a good day ...all day...doing what you want to do, not have to do. I am going off to my easy chair after I refill my coffee cup. I would have something to go with it but there is'nothing good in this house'; ha..ha. well there isn't and I eat anything and every thing as it comes in the door. Take time to look at the beautiful sky this morning, bright and beautiful, a new day to celebrate. Go.....have a good day all day doing what you want to do and a few of the have to duties as well. Enjoy the day. Hugs to all.

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