Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday Evening

I am walking the hall tonight as I have laundry in. It takes time and it does give me exercise even though the hall is not very Why I decided to do laundry at this time of the evening is beyond me but it is too late now to change my mind...I will be content when it is done and over. There is one other lady using the machines and she beat me there so I am on a wait I don't have much to do, just want it done and over as the lighter loads take a lot less time. Spending time in the laundry room is not my idea of fun. I had a good day today. I got to game a bit, no luck, but didn't leave much behind either. It is always fun to eat out and pick and choose favorite dishes. If my mind didn't go off by itself I'd tell you what we had...but that was hours ago and a lot has happened to the brain since then...ha.ha. This getting 'old' is a challenge. I am not sure I am going to be successful, but I will keep trying. I am thankful for caring daughters as they make sure I am well taken care of and make sure I have some 'play' time. It was a beautiful day, a Fall day, a 'pretty' day. The ride down to the Casino area is a good one, not to long and not to busy...some times....I should clarify as there are some days when the road down to the casino is very busy and traffic is heavy. There is a lot down that way which keeps the traffic moving. I hope your day was a good one and you enjoyed your hours. I am off to the laundry room....Sleep sweet, dream good dreams and as the old timers used to say 'don't let the bed bugs bite'....I don't know why they thought that was funny...Yuck...ha...ha. Sleep sweet...get ready for a new tomorrow...stay healthy and happy and look around and see what kind of 'good' you can do in your new day. I am off to finish my laundry...kick back and watch some tv....and maybe I'll take time to read a bit before I turn the lights out. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise. Smile!!!! Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

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