Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Morning

Good Morning. I am almost awake. I see that all of the worker cars are parked and the workers are in and busy already. It is Sunday morning and the sky is beautiful with shades of very light blue and a stormy looking blue which makes me wonder if we are going to have a little rain this morning. It is quiet, silent really, the little bird is on the roof top watching the workers come in and park then walk to the door and get busy for their day. I need a refill of my coffee to wake up....I'll be right back. AAH, coffee, coffee, hot and black and tasty....should wake me up... It is Sunday morning, clear sky of light blue and the tree tops are still, not a bit of a breeze out there this morning. The little bird is on the roof top. The worker cars are parked in front of my window and all is silent at the moment. Only one light on in a room across the way in the hospital wing. Silence. So I am almost awake and if I repeat myself just chalk it up to being asleep still....ha, ha.....well it takes time to wake up. What are you going to do with your Sunday? I have no plans for me. I will have to wake up and give it some thought. What would I like to do...or what opportunities await for the day; guess I will find out when I wake up and the day begins. One of our fellows is out walking his little dog. A morning chore he seems to enjoy. As for me, I need a refill of hot black coffee; I'd like a fancy bun or two to go with it but there is nothing in this have heard that before and you know who devours all that is sweet and tasty. I go. Have yourself a good day all day doing what you want to do. Make a friend happy by sharing you with them for awhile. As for me, I am off to watch some news, feet up, no rush and a new day begins. Be all you can be today and make your day bright and beautiful, just like YOU!!! Hugs to all.

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