Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Morning!!!

Good morning There is fog this morning hovering over and through the trees. The little birds are busy at the feeders and the big bird is on the roof top overlooking the traffic as it comes in. All is quiet. It is Sunday...the cars are parked under my window this morning and there are a couple of new ones, a pretty soft grey for one and a white one with racks on the top. The others are dark, a blue or black, hard to tell from here. All is quiet. Silence really. Some of the shades are still drawn in the hospital wing but a few are up and have opened their shades. A new Sunday and this morning there is a heavy duty fog that is really very pretty as it hides the huge trees. The worker cars are under my window and there is a silver grey, a black, a white and a dark grey I can see without standing up and stretching to The little tree is in full bloom, bright colors of Fall and very lovely. The bird feeders, there are two of them, are almost empty as the birds have been busy this morning. The fog is soft and hazy making shadows of the huge trees and all is still. A quiet Sunday morning. I am off to get dressed and will check with the girls and see if anyone is interested in going out for breakfast. They probably already had their breakfast but I have been thinking about it but not doing anything about it. I am wishing you all a good day, a happy day, a day filled with adventures you enjoy....a walk out; a visit with a friend; a tea party with something tasty, not a bit of waste on a I am off to get ready for a new Sunday. Have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Be good, be kind, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

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