Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Greeting Two

Good morning. It is Monday and I am awake, well almost, the sun is shining on the bushes across the way and the red blossoms are very beautiful in the morning sunlight. The worker cars are parked under my window and sunlight is on the rooftops bringing the colors alive. All is quiet. The little bird is on the rooftop and has a little friend sitting with it. Nice to see, haven't seen that before. The sunlight makes the trees come alive, very nice to see. There has been a parade of cars coming in and each one looks new. The workers must make a good salary to afford the cars they drive. There is not one junker in the bunch. Today there is a new soft blue one, a new shade that looks light blue but has a bit of green to it. Very pretty. There are a couple of black ones and a white one. I wish you a good day all day. I am off to have a refill of my hot coffee, feet up for a little while longer as I watch the I hope your day is going to be all you want it to be and you put a lot of good effort into making it so. Be good, be kind, be loving. Off I go, feet up, tv on for awhile and then off to dress for a new day. Hugs to all.

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