Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, Monday, la, la, la....

Good morning. I hope you and Jo are hale and hardy and ready for a new day. It is quiet around here, no noise at all, no one up an moving that I can hear and I certainly am not making any noise. It is still. It is quiet. The worker cars are parked under my window and each one is different, not very old and all in great condition. The pay scale must be good in the hospital wing. The little bird is on the roof top. The trees are still. No one about and nothing moving. Cars are parked under my window and each one is different in style and color. It is silent right now. No noise outside or inside. I am off for a refill of my coffee; feet up; news on; wow,someone just drove bye in a lovely little car, don't know what it is but it sure has a lot of style and I bet it drives nice. It is quiet around here, no one up and moving yet, if they are they are being very is just to early to wake up and make noise. It looks like it is going to be a good day, a nice day, a sunshine day. I have no plans as yet but am not adverse to making some. I will have to check and see what the girls are up to. Right now it is silent. I have had my coffee, not ready to eat anything yet and there really is nothing good in this house....ha,ha. you have heard that before. I am going to love you and leave you for now. I am going to get dressed and get ready to put my shoes on, one never knows when an invitation is extended to go for a 'bite'....and, the sky is bright and clear so we may be in for a nice day. I a off to shower and dress and get ready for a new day. I hope your day is wonderful, just like YOU!!! I will be back....later gater. bye for now.

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