Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Now It's Tuesday Morning!!

Silence, a sky of soft blue, almost a grey shade and the tree tops are not moving at all. The night light is still on the side of the hospital wing. There is a shade up on one window showing the tv on, the other windows are dark. No breeze this morning. Silence!!! The worker cars are under my window and there is a new bright blue one, a new shade I have not seen before. It is bright and alive with a few white designs on the hood. There are three grey cars, two are wagons. The workers are in and a new day begins. My coffee cup is empty so I am going to love you and leave you and go for a refill, feet up, tv on, do a lot of waking up and get ready for a new day. I hope your day is a good one and you put a lot into it so you get a lot out of Just remember some words of wisdom and that is that you get out of your day what you put into more, no less. So now you have to get busy and think of things you want to do, love to do, and even have to do. I am off for some hot coffee, feet up.....cowboys on..yippee ki yeah....go...make your day the best one yet. Hugs to all.

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