Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Good Morning!!

Wednesday morning and I have one eye open. I am up, not quite awake but working on it. My coffee is hot...aah!! The sky is a little hazy this morning, only a couple of worker cars parked under my window this morning....they take turns choosing a side each day. I have two black and one white out there this morning but it is early yet and more are due in. I am awake...well It is Wednesday and it is very early so my brain is still asleep. Silence at the moment. How are you and Jo doing? I hope you have plans to go out and about and have some fun today. Hump day is a good day to do what you want to what that is. I'd opt for a trip to the casino but the girls are not ready for such a trip, not their cup of I am having my coffee in the new USS Turner Joy DD951 cup, I am not sure where I got it but it is very colorful. All in all, I am almost awake; coffee cup empty; chair empty, no tv on as yet and I have to open the other eye and get ready for a new day. I hope you and JO have a good day, a fun day, doing what you want to do. Go enjoy today, all day, and make it one of the best yet. Oh oh one of the ladies is hobbling in this morning. I wonder what she did. The cars are on my side and there is a new white one out there ont he lot this morning. Good looking. All the others are black. I notice each trim is different. The little bird is on the roof top. The trees are still. The blinds are still down and all is silent. I am off for a refill, feet up, tv on for news of the day and get ready for a new day. Go..have a good day. Give JO a hug and get one back. Catch up when you have time. Love you, more every day. I do....bye for now.

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