Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saturday Morning

Good Morning. The worker cars are parked out in front of my window, only four that I can see, a lot of empty spaces as it is very early. It looks like it wants to rain, sky is a pale blue and the trees are still The bird is on the roof top and all is silent. I am awake, well almost, have a little way to go but not before I go for a refill. be right back. There is something about that first sip that makes the eyes open and the taste buds wake up. AAH coffee, coffee..... I have two white and three black cars in front of my window this morning. A few folks had the early shift and are already in and working. It is quiet as the blinds are still down and the folks are still snoozing away. I have no new news. I have not made plans as yet for today but once i wake up I will give it some thought. I think a trip to the grocery store is in order as there is nothing good in this can there be when I eat it all up as fast as I buy it. Sweets....there is something about a big fat jelly doughnut that makes the taste buds sit up and take notice. I am going to love you and leave you. I have some television to watch, feet up, wake up....a new day what is in store for us.....catch up and let me know what you are up to today. I am off for a refill, sit in my easy chair, watch tv for awhile and wake up to a new Saturday. I hope your day is wonderful, like YOU....go...wake up and have some fun today. Hugs to all.

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