Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Another few words on a Monday

Time is going slow this morning as I wait to go up for lunch. Some things have not changed since earlier this morning as the little bird is on the roof top and another is sitting in the branches of a small I look closer there are three birds in the tree, one sitting high on the left side, one midway on the right side just under the roof and then there are three down below on the lower limbs. I haven't seen that many birds out there in a long time. Maybe we have a storm moving in and they are finding their 'hidey hole' meanwhile the worker cars are parked under my window. I have three white, one black and a beige, more tan than beige, a new color. I am waiting patiently for time to go and have lunch...I am hungry...and I don't want to go into the kitchen and find a snack as that would spoil my lunch... is that is what is known as a conundrum??? It is a soft sky, a grey sky, trees are still. The birds are out this morning as there is one on the roof top and another in the tree beside the roof top, in fact there are two birds in the tree, no, wonder what is going on...maybe a storm on the way and they know something we don' Okay, I have done enough groaning and moaning, so shoes on, feet on the floor and out the door....I can walk around the hall and the dining area and up and down the hallway for exercise. Have a good rest of the day to yourself doing what you want to do. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.....and share a hug or two. Hugs to all.

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