Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Good Morning Again...and!!!

Hello. I am sitting here at the computer and thought I might stop in and say hello...again....ha.ha like the proverbial bad penny!!!! It is hazy out my window; all the worker cars are parked under my window and there are three silver cars and two black that I can see. It is hazy out there today, wants to rain and might, haven't heard any news. Cowboys on this morning. The little bird is on the roof top still and there are a couple of little ones on the tree just sitting there like they own the tree..and they probably do. The tree is in front of one of the hospital windows so the person inside can see out and see the birds watching them. I have my shoes on, waiting for time to pass to go up for lunch. The incoming cars are all silver in color but one that just went by is a bright and beautiful deep red. Out of all the cars parked outside my window I would say five are silver in shade but there are a couple of black ones or very dark blue, one almost a purple shade. It wants to rain but so far has stayed dry. The birds are busy flying in and out of the bushes. One or two come and sit on my fence for a short while but do not seem to want to stay very long. As you can see there is nothing new to talk about this morning...a quiet morning and I am ready for lunch as I am hungry. I get up so early and have something before my feet are used to the I hope you and JO have a great day doing what you want to do. I wish I could have sent you some lovely presents to open but it is too hard when you already have most of what you want and what you don't have I cannot But if I had money I'd fill your list from top to bottom. So, that is my 'take' for the moment. I have my shoes on and will head up for lunch time soon. I'd rather be going out for a nice juicy steak but the girls are busy and have things to do. A new car just left the yard and it was different in shading, some shade of light green, soft and not hard to look at. Most of the cars area light grey that seems to be the most popular color. I don't like having the mind change; goes off without me....want it to stay as is so I can function. This getting really old is an special education all its own and I am not sure I am going to like it even a little...probably say that a dozen times or I love you and Jo. Hope you have a special holiday and celebrate. Catch up when you have some time. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Love you more every day.

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