Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Evening

Hello. The day has run its course and so has this nasty flu bug which I am not sharing...I don't want a cold bug. I don't want to be sick. I don't want a lot of things but it seems I don't get behind the door fast enough and they catch up with me. A head cold. A flue bug. How is that for a Christmas and New Year present. I would give them back but nobody claims them. I just wanted to say hello and hope that you had a wonderful delightful holiday. I hope you had family and friends to celebrate with and had some tasty treats to go along with them. It was a quiet holiday for me but when you have a flu bug that is expected; not liked; not wanted; not a lot of things but there is little one can do but 'suffer' and I suffer nice and loud...ha.ha. No, honest, I've been good, not happy with germs but there is little you can do to deter them. A lot of the folks had family and friend visit. The big room outside my door got a lot of attention today. It was nice to see smiling faces enjoying the visit time. I think I am doing better and am not about to contaminate anyone but I am not taking any chances and am staying in. AS a lover of cowboy movies I had no complaints today as there were plenty on. A few were very old and one or two newer ones. i think they do a good job and I enjoy them. Well...the screen jumped, everything went black and here I sat...but it came back..thank God or I'd be having to find a new start. So before I lose touch, I will say goodnight and sweet dreams when you get there. I hope your holiday was all you wanted it to be. Catch up when you have time and let me know all of what you did for the holidays. Hugs to all.

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