Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I wish you a Happy New Year; I wish you a Happy New Year,,,,I wish you a Happy New Year ..... a lot of good health, a bit of wealth, and friends to keep you safe and sane as you celebrate each day as it comes. It is New Year's Eve, quiet here, a lot of folks have gone off to celebrate with their families and friends and their are others who are here enjoying the evening as it gets closer and closer to the end of this year. I imagine you have thought a little about what transpired this past year and some set well while some did not. We find as we go along in life that one day at a time is the only way to make life all it should be. We have family, friends, new folks to meet and greet and some time to a rose, be a daisy, be all you can be and enjoy one day as it comes from early morning to late at night....spread a bit of cheer where ever you go. Life is what you make it. You hold the key in your hand. So go....find the right key holds and learn how to celebrate you each and every day. My wish is for good health this new year. I wish good luck and a bit of copper pennies to fill your pocket. I wish you the power to take one day as it comes and make the best of it. Be a fried. Be a lover. Be all you can be. Be YOU!!! Take time to be a friend. Take time to be kind. Take time to help wherever the need is. Take time to grow and glow!!! Hugs to all. And....remember you get out of life what you put into it.....Be Loving...Be Generous.....Be YOU!!! Hugs to all. Jean

A rainy morning

Good morning. How are you this morning? I am looking t a almost white sky this morning...wants to blow as the tree tops are moving. The worker cars are under my window. The bird is on the roof top...all is good and quiet...little birds flitting in and out of the little bushes across the way as the bird feeder is half empty. The little birds are busy this morning. I am not awake, just look like All is quiet, silent really. TV on, rain drops starting or at least it looks like it. I am singing "I love a rainy day"....ha...ha. How are you this morning? Good, I hope. I love you. Off to refill my coffee cup....need a sip of hot coffee...and wake up some more. I will be back.

A New Tuesday

Good Morning, pitch black out my window, no lights on in the hospital wing as yet. The little night lights are still glowing on the hospital roof top and all is silent around as no cars are coming in as yet. It is early. AND, my coffee cup is off I go...excuse me as I am off for a refill. AAH, hot coffee.......good stuff!!! I am not awake all the way but working on it. I have little or nothing in new news so that doesn't help. I didn't win a million dollars so cannot adopt I guess we wake up, have a new day to fill and get busy filling it. My coffee is hot and so good. I never fill a cup that Pa doesn't come to mind. Some folks never leave your heart and mind and that really is a good thing. It is quiet and still outside, no breeze at all, nothing moving. There are several areas where the night lights are out but it does not see to effect anything so that is good or we would be in the dark. I have no new news this morning. I guess I had better wake up, get dressed and find something to up is something to do.... Have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Get the have to chores done and over with and free yourself up and have a fun day. I am off for a refill of hot black coffee; feet up; news on; a new day...enjoy....hugs to all.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday,, la. la....

Good morning. One eye open, coffee cup half empty and it is pitch black out my window. All is silent. Nothing moving. The night light is still on and is quite bright for this time of the morning, but anything light is early and bright this time of the I am almost awake. My first cup of coffee is gone so I am about to love you an leave you for a minute or so as I go for a refill and wake up a bit more. Don't do away. A car just left the tarmac and was silent, amazing the car motors seem to be silent as they come and go this time of the morning. A good thing or there would be a lot of grumbling around here. Quiet is good, give us a chance to open the eyes. It is always amazing to see the dark of the sky, trees are shadows and the night lights glow even though there are several areas where the light bulbs have gone out but do not shut things down. I am willing to bet there are at least ten bulbs out. AAH,, coffee....tasty, hot and just what I want and need to wake up to a new day, There is no new news this early in the morning. I have a new jig saw puzzle on my table and it is going to be a hard one. Right now comes the sorting, then finding the right pieces so the fun begins. I don't mind a puzzle on the table as it gives me play time in between being busy coming and going. So, a new Monday. Let us hope for a good day, all day, doing what we have to do and a lot of what we really want to do. Right now it is visiting with you, soon feet up, coffee refill, and tv news. No rush, no fuss.....just feet up and a cup of good hot coffee to wake the body up.Of course something tasty would be good but 'there is nothing good in this house' have heard that before. Girlish figures do not come from starvation. So, I will love you and leave you to your day. Have yourself a good one and take time to be as loving as you know how to be. Catch up and let me know what you are up to today...something fun I hope. Monday, Monday....can it be fun???? Only if you make it get busy. I am off for a refill, some news, feet up, no rush, and hopefully open the eyes to a brand new day filled with what I call love and laughter.....join me...share today. Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday Evening

Hello. The day has run its course and so has this nasty flu bug which I am not sharing...I don't want a cold bug. I don't want to be sick. I don't want a lot of things but it seems I don't get behind the door fast enough and they catch up with me. A head cold. A flue bug. How is that for a Christmas and New Year present. I would give them back but nobody claims them. I just wanted to say hello and hope that you had a wonderful delightful holiday. I hope you had family and friends to celebrate with and had some tasty treats to go along with them. It was a quiet holiday for me but when you have a flu bug that is expected; not liked; not wanted; not a lot of things but there is little one can do but 'suffer' and I suffer nice and loud...ha.ha. No, honest, I've been good, not happy with germs but there is little you can do to deter them. A lot of the folks had family and friend visit. The big room outside my door got a lot of attention today. It was nice to see smiling faces enjoying the visit time. I think I am doing better and am not about to contaminate anyone but I am not taking any chances and am staying in. AS a lover of cowboy movies I had no complaints today as there were plenty on. A few were very old and one or two newer ones. i think they do a good job and I enjoy them. Well...the screen jumped, everything went black and here I sat...but it came back..thank God or I'd be having to find a new start. So before I lose touch, I will say goodnight and sweet dreams when you get there. I hope your holiday was all you wanted it to be. Catch up when you have time and let me know all of what you did for the holidays. Hugs to all.

Now It's Sunday Morning!!!So

So, my little calendar says....a new day...hopefully a good day. The television is on, hearing voices but not paying much attention. I can see the worker cars parked outside my window and all the spots are filled with three white cars, one blue that fill my window. The hospital inside lights are not on at all, everyone sleeping in this morning. The night light is shining bright on the tarmac. To dark to see the ground so cannot tell if there are puddles on the tarmac. I am up but that does not mean That takes a little effort this time of the morning. The sky is really pretty as it is violet this morning, soft, no breeze as the trees are still. So, I will leave you to some more snoozing and I will go fill my coffee cup, There is nothing 'good' in this house so I have no munchies...unless...I go for food that needs cooking and I don't feel like cooking...ha.ha. so lazy begets munchies and munchies beget fat and that solves the mystery of a round waist line. Have yourself a good day doing what you want to do. It is Sunday, a day of rest it is called but I don't think many of us do a lot of resting. Right now I am looking at a very light lavender sky, so pretty. Tree tops still and all is quiet; an early morning silence that I find easy to live with. Of the six worker cars that fill my window, there is not one junker in the bunch. Three of the workers went for a white car although I find the grey one with the window top very pretty to look at, but the blue car, which is a blue I cannot describe, is very pretty, an eye catcher. As I have said before, the salaries must be very good as there is not one junker in the row. So, that is all my news of early morning. I am off for a refill of my coffee cup, feet up, tv on and no hurry. Sunday morning...aah!!! Go...have a geat day doing what you want to do. Catch up when you have time. Hugs to all.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday Morning!!

Good Morning!!! Pitch black out my window, quiet, nothing moving. I have my hot coffee, sip, sip....aah!!! should be awake soon or at least one eye open. The night lights are still on over on the hospital wing, only one light on in a room, all sleeping in this Saturday morning. I am awake....well that is debatable.....It is so dark outside my window I cannot see the cars parked out there. My coffee cup is empty. The news is on. The Saturday cowboys will be on soon and a new day begins. I hope your day is going to be bright and beautiful. I am planning a quiet day doing a lot of nothing special. Saturday is a good day to loaf....ha,ha, haven't used that word in awhile. So do your best to enjoy today. Be a friend. Be a lover. Be YOU!! Off for a refill, feet up, tv on, a catch up day, no rush, no fuss, aah...Saturday all day. Go..have yourself a nice slow day doing what you want to do.I am off for a coffee...aah!!! Be good, be kind, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday Night

Sweet dreams. Enjoy your new day and catch up when you have time. Love you and Jo more every day. Good night. Mom

Friday morning

Pitch black out my window; night light is on over on the hospital building, all the inner lights are not on as everyone is sleeping as it is only six thirty a.m. You cannot see where the roof of the building ends and the sky begins; six thirty late to be sleeping in and too early to be up and about..ha.ha. no pleasing us. I bet if you are choosing you are already back under the rush... My coffee is hot and delicious; the Prayer of Serenity: " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." A few of the night workers are leaving, going home to bed. It has to be hard to be a night worker and sleep days. Right now it it pitch black outside and silence. There is no telling where the sky begins and ends, just black outside. As for me, off for a refill of hot coffee; news on; feet up; and I am betting another short snooze before it is time to wake up and motivate. Make your day a good one doing what you want to do. Get the chores out of the way early so you can have time for you to spend as you want to. I have no new news; all is the same old same old...and that isn't all bad. Enjoy today. Hugs to all.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday Evening

Hello Again; It seems I have talked with you earlier, been a busy afternoon with drop in company and that is always good. Ron came to visit for awhile and that is always good as he retells tales of his earlier work life and all that was accomplished back in those good old work days. Then Pat and Chris stopped in for a visit and that was fun and the big pizza they brought with them didn't hurt at all...delicious... It was a good afternoon and I have no complaints....if I did..who would listen???? ha, ha, ha.... I took time out later when alone and went through some old paper hoping to get rid of a lot of 'stuff' that is no longer useful or needed. I made a little inroad but not as much as I could and should. It is hard to throw away anything paper that might have to do with household and/or banking....some or most of it is useless but it is not being sure that holds me up. I will work on it again and cull it down eventually but am in nor hurry to throw something out that needs to Chris and Pat brought a delicious pizza which we devoured in no time flat. All in all it has been a nice afternoon and evening....I am ready to call it quite for today, relax, watch some tv and then a good hot shower and to bed early tonight. Holidays are fun. Holidays are necessary as they give us reason to celebrate....being alive and enjoying those who are a part of our every day life. How lucky we are. I wish you a Happy New Year. I hope this coming year brings along good health, a bit of wealth, and some fun in the mix. Be someone folks like to spend time with. Be all you can be and enjoy one day as it comes. I am off as I wish you truly good tidings for the New Year. YOU!!! Hugs to all.

It is Still Thursday Morning almost 10:30 a.m.

The sky is almost white, no color this morning. The trees are still, no wind this morning. The worker cars and trucks are parked on my side and there is a new blue truck, small, classy looking, a dark grey sedan and three white cars under my window this morning. Two of the white cars have sun roofs, one is smaller in size and no top window. The owners are at work over in the hospital wing. It has been raining in the night but nothing this morning. The little bird has been on the roof top for hours. There is another bird in the little tree, in fact there are three black birds, small of size and they seem content to stay still. It is unusual to see three at one time. It is after ten thirty and I will be leaving for lunch break soon. This morning seems to be hanging in there and I am hungry so that makes it seem longer. I could cheat and get something from my kitchen but then I would spoil my appetite for whatever is being served upstairs. I will be good and wait.....Coffee is hot and tasty but does not do away with the hunger pangs. My little prayer square of glass is here on the desk...:"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Only takes a minute to ask for The sun is trying to break through...yeah!!!! It brightens the sky, the earth, and me...ha.ha. I hope your Thursday is a good one. I hope you find places to go and things to do that make you smile. I hope you feel good and can lick the world with a fence around it as the old timers used to say. Be good, be kind, be YOU!! Hugs to to lunch and I am!!! bye for now.

Now it is Thursday Morning!!

Good Morning. It is pitch black out my window although the roof lights are on over on the hospital wing and there is a sign of a small puddle so it may have rained in the night. There is no sign of anyone up over there in the hospital wing, all snoozing and in no hurry to start a new day. My coffee cup is empty so I am off for a refill, feet up, cowboys on and a new day begins. I hope your day is going to be one filled with love, laughter and a few nice surprises. Off to refill my cup, feet up, tv on and wake up...slowly....or snooze in my chair for a bit longer....sounds good to me!! Have yourself a good day, one you will ant to remember with love and laughter. Be good, be kind, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Night

Hello. Thinking of you and Jo and hoping you are enjoying some quiet time after all the hubbub of the holidays. I went off with Christine and Patricia today to the casino for an hour or so. We didn't bring home any of their shekels but we did have a little fun trying. We came home and watched a little television; tales of the wild west... had some of the left overs and called it a day. A good holiday, cannot complain but not the same as when the family is around. No you, NO Jo, No Mike... I am walking the halls as I have decided to do a small laundry. I am restless from sitting so needed to walk the hallways.. I really didn't need to just doing it out of habit. ha.ha. I just want to say hello and good night and hope you and Jo had a good holiday and enjoyed it. I love you. Catch up when you have time. Love you more every day. Sleep tight...... Give Jo a hug and get tone back. Catch up when you have some time. Love you, more every day.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday evenng

Just getting back from Pat's house where we all gathered and had food and fun, Donaleo and Erin are leaving for San Francisco in the morning so it was good to share time with them today. Both are good, look good, feel good and seem to be happy together. Pat had a dinner for all of us and it was so good. All in all it was a Christmas present all in itself. WE would love to have had you and Jo here with us...maybe next year we can do something about getting together. Holidays are great but lonely when some of the family members are missing. Catch up and let me know how you and JO are doing. I hope fine and having a great holiday. I love you both. I wish you good health, wealth and a lot of love this coming year. Know my mind is changing slowly; getting a little I said a little...ha.ha. depends on who you talk to..ha.ha. This coming of a 'new' age is going to be a challenge; not sure if I can keep up with the changes but I will try. Have a good day all day doing what you two want to do. Make good memories of this Christmas. I love you. Shoes off, tv on, going to do nothing more for Love you...Catch up when you have a spare minute. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Mom

Still Monday morning

I have been sitting here at the desk looking out the window to the roof top across the way. The little bird has been there for some time now and seems content to stay there watching the cars come in. The first group of workers came in and parked in front of building and my window shows four of them without stretching my neck. All are shining bright clean, and I'd say new models. The little tree has a few blossoms and has four birds on it. One is low on the right branch which is like a wishbone, another is higher up, midway, sitting quietly, no movement at all and there is one sitting on the roof top itself; all is silent...nothing moving. I have to finish up and get dressed as it will soon be time to go up for lunch. Pat was here and brought a delicious tidbit to taste so you know I am no longer hungry..ha.ha. I am going to love you and leave you as I have no new news. All is quiet, peaceful, calm....a good day .... Take time out to relax. Have a little fun along the way. Catch up and let me know how you are. Off I go....out the door....I will be back. Hugs.

Monday Morning

It is pitch black out my window. Silence, nothing moving yet. No lights on in the windows of the hospital wing, all snoozing in this morning. It is too dark so I cannot see the tarmac and the night lights are still on the roof top of the hospital wing. All is quiet...early morning silence. I am awake...well for a coffee refill, turn on some news and sit awhile...have to wake up. To those of you who are already awake, have a great day, all day, doing what you want to do as well as need to do....well that is My coffee cup is empty....well....where did that first cup go to????? ha.ha. I am not telling. Have yourself the start of a brand new week doing what you have to do, want to do, and some of what you can whittle off that list of things to make it disappear. Be good, be kind, be loving....go....have yourself a day to remember. Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sunday Morning

It is only a little after six a.m. and I have one eye open. It is pitch black out my window although there are a string of lights on the hospital wing roof. I see a few of the bulbs are out, wonder if they take time out to replace them. At least if one goes out the others do not follow and that is a good thing. I am off for a coffee refill , be right back. AAH!!! There is nothing like a good cup of hot coffee to start the day off. Worker cars are coming in slowly, quietly, have no idea why the motors are so silent but they are. All thee spaces are filled by my window and now the cars are driving slowly down the road looking for an open spot. It has to be hard to have to get up so early. It is Sunday morning and just a little after six thirty a.m. All is quiet around here, most sleeping in. I wish I had a lot to tell you this morning but I didn't go anywhere, do anything exciting so there is little to talk about. I am going to go and enjoy my hot coffee, listen to the news and get a good start on my day. My brain is still asleep so I have no plans yet...I will work on some. Go..have yourself a good day, all day, doing what you want to do. It is Sunday..a day to rest and do what you want to do. The busy time will start soon enough so let Monday come around Have yourself a day to remember, a good day doing what you want to do; a day to be good, be kind, be YOU!!! Off for a refill, feet up, aah..morning!!! Hugs to all.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Holidays!!!

I wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish you good health. I wish you a bit of wealth. I wish you love and laughter. I wish you the very best year yet. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be loving, be YOU. hugs to all. Jean.

Saturday Morning

Good morning, pitch black out my window, although there is a night light on the building across the way; cars are coming in and out and my coffee cup is empty so you know where I am going.....I will be back.... ah!! hot coffee!!! I have no new news and you really don't want to rehash old news. It is now Saturday morning and a new day begins. I have no plans but intend to make some before the morning is over. I have to open the eyes and shake up the brain so I can start my day. The first start is coffee, hot and delicious and that is what I am going to do right now...lift up my cup and sip....aah..... Fins places to go and things to do today. Enjoy your day and be sure you add some good company. A little shopping to whittle down the Christmas list; lunch out just because you can. Be good....Be kind....Be YOU!! Off to wake up, feet up, tv on, no rush, no fuss....and it is time for: Prayer of Serenity God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Hugs to all.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Now it is afternoon

AND I still have the head cold, s naughty nose and we have a rainy day, grey sky, bird on the roof top and the Christmas outside lights are on so it is a dark day. The worker cars are parked under my window today and there are five I can see from my window without One black truck; one red truck; two silver cars and one white one ...the rest are to far down the All is well, I have a head cold so am contagious, don't want the girls to catch it so told them to stay home. I don't want to pass it on ... We have rain today and right now it is coming down gently. The little bird is on the roof top and isn't going out of the rain. There is a spot it could go to and stay dry but I guess it doesn't like being under the eaves. I just wanted to say that I hope you and Jo have a good Christmas and New Year. I hope you celebrate in style and are good to each other. I would love to share time with the two of you...maybe another holiday down the road.... I am off to put my feet up, turn the television on and do nothing but sulk...ha.ha. I am getting good at it...ha...ha...ha. I don't like having a cold. I don't like being in. I don't like a lot of things but maybe the germs will find another place to hide and I will get out and about doing what I want to I love you. Give JO a hug and get one back. Enjoy the holidays and catch up when you have time. Love you more every day. bye for now.

Friday Morning

It is pitch black out my window' hospital roof lights are still on, worker cars parked under my window this morning and all is silent. I have one eye open, going for a refill and listen to news for a bit, and...wake up....No news this early but I will be back before the day is over. I love you. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Have a good Friday and take Jo out for a treat today. I love you, more every day. Go....have a good one.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thursday Evening

Hello. I have a cold and it doesn't want to leave me. I don't know what I did to deserve all this attention but I am more than willing to give it up ...I don't want to be sick. I don't want a head cold. I don't want ..I don't want...but I do want a wind fall so I can travel. I do want some visits with my family members. I do want a lot of things but right now all I get is a runny nose... I don't want it. You cannot have it...No one wants it stays...WEll..I don't like it. Now you have heard my gripe for today. I am going to turn in early , read awhile, been sipping hot tea . Just wanted to touch base and say hello and wish you and Jo a good day all day tomorrow celebrating Christmas and enjoying the day. I love you more every day. Give JO a hug and get one back. Have a special day you will long remember. Off I go...Love you two more every day.

A second post this morning!!!

Hello. I am back. I have been sitting here looking out the window watching rain drops fall. The worker cars are under my window; no covering for them as they sit in the rain. The bird is on the roof top and doesn't seem to mind the rain drops. All is quiet both over in the hospital wing and here. The sky is soft, a light grey and the trees are still. A new day, Thursday all day, no plans but willing to make I have a little prayer square you might enjoy sharing...It is called "The prayer of Serenity" "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know...the difference." So, all is quiet. The girls will be calling and I will find out if I am destined to go out and about or have to make plans for something to do here. It is raining a little, wants to start so maybe it will pour before long. The little bird is on the tree limb across the way, all is silent, no wind of any kind so nothing is moving. The cars are parked over here under my window and I have four white and one black...can't see further down than that. I am beginning to get hungry so I think I will head for the kitchen and see what I can find. No doughnuts of any kind, um...suppose a piece of toast wont hurt but it sure wont be a jelly I am off, go have yourself a good day all day doing what YOU want to do. Enjoy your day. Hugs to all.

Thursday Morning

It is pitch black out my window, silence, nothing moving and not a sign of color in our skies is coming but I am awake and it is early. Quiet, silence really and that is alright at this time of the morning. Noise would be It is Thursday, a good day I hope, or at least I will try to make it so. No plans....No wishes....a good start of a new day and let a little life begins...after the eyes open, the coffee cup is empty and I wake Ready for our prayer of Serenity:"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." We are all set, eyes open, brain awakening and a new day to fill. The workers are coming in slowly. The shades are down in the hospital wing, guess the folks are sleeping in a little this morning. I am always amazed at how quiet the car motors are as the folks come in to work for the day. I wish you a good day all day doing what you want to do. Be good, be kind, be loving. Off for a refill, feet up, cowboys on...ah, a new day begins. Be all you can be today as you go about doing your good deeds and sharing you with those you love and like. Make it a day you will remember with love. Off for a coffee refill, feet up, news on....a new day.,, put it to good use.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Christmas Tale

Once upon a time, many years ago, I lived in a small cottage in Rhode Island. My neighbors were the Arnolds. . Minnie and Hobart, known to us as Minnie Mouse and Hobo and they were adopted grandparents to my children. Hobo, as we called him, was a short stocky gentle man who made the garden come alive with vegetables and fruits of all kinds. Minnie was tall, stern and would not stand for any fooling around, but she loved my children and made sure they knew it as she doted love and attention on them. She made sure they learned lessons of life and how to take care of growing flowers in their beds, She was a no nonsense kind of lady and ruled with an iron fist as the old timers used to say, but she let her love show and taught them how to enjoy the gardens and the flowers that grew so lovely and colorful in their beds. Their back yard backed up into a lake so she made sure they knew the rules and paid attention to being careful to adhere to her rules. They were many and the children didn't like having to mind their manners but they did because she ruled the roost and if they wanted to be with her then minding their manners was important. We spent many hours sharing time summers and winters, spring and fall....for each day was special and sharing time with them made life so happy in the caring and sharing. Just talking about them brings back memories so dear and sweet, so loving and so missed as they have gone on to their just reward a long time ago. They live in our hearts. How much they gave of themselves to make life happier for all of us. Minnie was tall,sharp of tongue, a no nonsense lady and woe to you if you walked into her garden beds and disrupted the lovely flowers growing there. Hobo was short and stocky with a smile that would melt the hardest heart and loving with no holds barred. He loved children and he was very good to mine. He taught them a lot about his garden and I bet if you were to ask them today they would tell you some of his tales. He loved children and he was very loving and good to mine. We have wonderful loving memories in our minds and heart of two loving people who shared themselves with us. They have been gone for years but they live in our hearts and minds. The tales we could tell. How lucky we were to have them as neighbors. How lucky we were to be part of their lives. So, my Christmas tale this year is of our Minnie Mouse and Hobo, neighbors, friends, who live in our hearts and memory forever. So, as an aside, if you have some elderly folks living nearby, take time out to get to know them and you will find a treasure. Your life will change to a happiness you have yet to find and you will find a love you never knew existed until you give 'the old' folks next door an invitation and a smile.

Wednesday Night

Good night...Sweet dreams....See you tomorrow.....

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

I love you both....I wish you love and laughter and a good day all day doing what you want to do and like to do. I am heading in for a nights sleep and will wake up to Christmas morning.....aah....such memories....such love and laughter....make your day a good one...give each other a hug from me. Catch up later when you have some time.

It Is Tuesday morning

Good Morning!! It is a little after seven a.m. and I have one eye open, had a few sips of hot coffee and a new day begins. It is still dark outside my window and the sky is a beautiful shade of blues, both light and dark. The trees are still, no wind at all and the night lights are still on. No shades up over there in the hospital wing but it is early and folks want to sleep in a little while longer. Okay, are you ready??? Prayer of Serenity "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." There!!! That should start us off to a good day ..all I noticed a few more white cars coming in this morning. More silver than white. Must be the new Fall color for cars. It is a lovely shade, light and silvery looking, pretty....if you can use pretty as a descriptive word for a car. Most are of darker shades, more to black but then it is still dark out there in the lot so until the sun comes up I really cannot tell the shade of the cars. No dents showing so that must be all that is My coffee is hot and delicious, the channel needs changing to some news, not sure what is on at the moment, a lot of chatter I am really not listening to. A new day...a Tuesday.... I am off to sip my hot coffee. I will put my feet up for awhile and wake up. I hope your day is a 'good' one and you find things to do and places to go. Do your best to be a good friend, a good worker, a helper, someone who loves life and doesn't mind showing it. Be good...Be kind...Be YOU!! Hugs to all.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday Evening

I thought I had written up something to say hello and wish you and Jo a happy holiday. I hope you do something you want to do and enjoy your day. All is quiet around here. I have no special plans, have to wait and see what comes up...if anything. All is good. No problems. Just have not talked over any plans as yet. I thought I'd take the girls out for a late breakfast or mid day luncheon treat so we will see what tomorrow brings. I hope you and Jo celebrate and have a good day all day. I love you. I hope you both have a good day all day doing what you want to do. I am off to watch more of Mash. It has been on for some time and funny. Sleep sweet..have some fun tomorrow doing what you want to do. Food and Fun...enjoy. love you. catch up when you have time.

Monday Morning

Good Monday morning. Pitch black out my window, silence as no cars coming in, at the moment, but a few workers have an early shift and are in and parked already. It is silent. It is dark and no difference between the top of the building and the sky. Cannot see the trees. It is early and no lights on at all over in the hospital wing. Good, sleeping in is good for the patients over there and good for those over this I have my coffee refill already and the news is on so I am going to my easy chair, feet up on the hassock, cuddle down and watch some news....although another snooze can't hurt. But...once the eyes pop open that seems to be it and I am up for the day. what kind of mischief I can get for some groceries tops the list and speaking of list, I had better go and make one. Have yourself a good day, one you want to remember for a long time. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be yOU!!! Go....add a little fun to your day. Hugs to all.

Monday Morning

Good Morning. It is pitch black out my window; no lights on in the hospital wing but there are night lights still on the roof top over there. It is silent. Black out there. A car or two coming in slowly and quietly as the owner heads for a new work day. A quiet time. A wake up time. And...I am working on it. My coffee is gone already so I am going for a right back. AAH!! Hot and black and so tasty; a good wake up beverage and all that is needed is a big fat jelly doughnut but there is none around; believe me when I say sweets do not last around here; lucky some food it is time for a new shopping list and a trip to the grocery store. A new Monday, the start of a new what is in store for us.....some good things I hope along with catching up on a few chores that were put off. I am up, I am not fully awake, I am thinking of going for some more coffee; yes, that first cup emptied like it had a hole in the bottom of the cup but it is the wake up cup and I know how to tip it. So off I go for a refill, blog a bit and then watch some news. No rush, no fuss, just a little time to wake up and start a new day, the beginning of a new wish you a good week, a good today and I hope that you find your way to some fun and happiness in your days. Be good....Be Kind.....Be YOU!! Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Night

Hello. I hope you and Jo are healthy and happy. The cold germ is a pain in you know where and I am tired of it....sore throat, snuffy nose, runny eyes, all the things that make me angry, unhealthy and not very wise. I want this to go away. It has been a long day with just sniffles to keep me company. that off my mind. ha.ha. It has been a quiet and lonely day but the cold seems to be going slowly. It is a flu bug and it wants to rule the roost but so far I have been able to keep it at bay. It is that one that hits the throat first and then works its way up into the head and sniffles...I don't like it...I don't want it...I want to be healthy, wealthy and wise..... I hope you stay healthy and the cold germs don't come your way I am watching tv. I am having hot tea I am doing okay so should not be griping and groaning. I don't like having a flu I hope you and Jo are feeling tip top. I hope you miss the flu bug. I hope you have a good week doing what you want to do. I love you. I am going off to my easy chair and watch more television. I just had something sweet to go with my tea which is waiting for me to finish. Stay healthy....get wealthy and you can adopt me.....give Jo a hug and get one back. Love you, more every day. Sweet dreams when you get there...

Sunday Morning!!

Good Mid Day, I started to send a note early this morning, got waylaid and didn't do it and now find I forgot to finish up what I started. Oh dear, old age creeping up on me. Well,that will never do. I love you. I love Jo. I want you both to have a great holiday and a bit of fun in your mix. I wish I were there or you were here to share time and hugs. I did get out for breakfast with the girls and they have things to do this afternoon so I am hunkered down with tv and my shows and some hot early for a libation..ha.ha. I was thinking of you and Jo and thought I'd get in my two cents worth before the day is over. I hope you are having a good holiday and doing what you want to do. I love you. I hope we get a chance for a little time sometime during the coming months. Take good care of each other. Have some fun today doing what you want to do. I am watching tv as the girls are busy and have nothing for me to do. Imagine I am not useful...ha.ha. well, I would argue that point. I am going out to the kitchen and put on some water for hot tea. I already had breakfast out with the girls; have no room for goodies; but hot tea sounds like a winner. The throat is a bit sore so I may be heading for a session with the cold bug. I hope not...but time will tell. I love you both. I hope you are enjoying your time and the holidays. I am off ...feet on...and I think it is going to rain so I cannot complain if I am warm, cozy and enjoying a quiet afternoon. I love you both. I hope you are content and having some fun in the mix. Catch up when you have some time. Give Jo a hug and get one back from me. Love you both. Catch up when you have time. Mom

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday Evening

Hello again. Back from a ride to the water, the sky was magnificent tonight. Lovely weather. Crowds must be up town as they were not at the I have had my dinner of left overs, all with more calories than I care to oh so tasty. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Enjoy your Easter breakfast. I love you, more every day. Sweet dreams when you get there. I'll be back in the morning. Love you. Mom

Saturday After Lunch

Hello. Just got back from lunch and it was 'okay but' ha.ha. you haven't heard that in awhile. It is quiet around here, a lot of folks have taken off to shop or go off on vacation to family and/or friends. It is cloudy but the sun is trying hard to break through some really strange dark grey clouds. The little bird is on the roof top across the way. I am tempted to feed it but if I start I'd have to keep it up and I'm not sure I want to do that. I would probably have a dozen more join in. Lunch is over, wasn't all that good nor all bad. The food is usually pretty good but they do have their days...mediocre. No new news for you. I hope you and Jo are busy doing all you want to do. Holidays always make me want to have you here, but then I always want you closer. Wonder how Mike is doing, not a peep out of him. He is not much for holidays, or if he is, it isn't with us. For one reason or another I have had our Eileen on my mind. A lot of memories surface on the holidays. Min and Hobo too....spent a lot of good ones with them. I think holidays have a way of bringing up stored memories. I hope you and Jo are doing something you want and love to do. I hope your holiday is g r e a t; I love you. I am off to finish up a few things around here. I have a couple of small packages to wrap for the lady helpers who keep the room up. Good ladies. So, I am off, going to take my shoes off, rest a bit and then decide what it is I am suppose to be doing..ha.ha. I am sure I am forgetting something. The mind is the first to fast I am finding that out. I love you. I love Jo too. I hope you have some fun and make your holiday a good one. Catch up when you have time. Love you, more every day. bye for now.

Post Number Two for this Saturday Morning!!

I am sitting here at the computer looking out the window at what looks like it wants to rain. I think a drop or two has started. The tall trees are still, no wind at all. The little bird is on the lower limb of the tree and sits close to the edge of the hospital window so those inside can see it. Sometimes it does not move for a bit but as the rain increases it will take off and find a dry spot to watch it fall. Everything is still. The trees are not moving at all. The worker cars are parked facing my window and it is something to see that few have 'things' hanging in their windows. I have not had my breakfast and I am hungry. I could wait for lunch time which is only a couple of hours away but I am hungry so I will go and see if there is some one small thing I can have to tide me over. A Saturday to fill and I bet we find ways and means to fill least make a good 'stab' at Have a good day doing what you want to do. Make someone you love happy you walked in the door. I am off for my coffee break and find a lttle something to 'tide me over' ha.ha. that is an old time expression. Have yourself a good day...catch up when you have time. I am off...and there will be no comment from you....ha.ha. I'll try not to get to far off...but if the road that way is fun...then off I go... Hugs to all.

Saturday Morning

Good Morning to YoU....Good Morning to, la, la,.....beautiful purple sky, still trees, night lights still on over at the hospital and the worker cars are parked under my window this morning. All is quiet...silence....trees still, a few drops of water on a car roof but the others look dry, wonder where that worker came from. All is silent. My coffee cup is empty so I am going to say good morning, have a wonderful day all day doing what you want to do...let the have to do wait awhile....have a little fun today Sounds like something we all have to catch up with. I am off for a hot refill, feet up, news on, a new day and all I have to do is wake up....I will be back later if I have anything new and different to is Saturday and I might just get an invite out and that would not be a bad thing. Have yourself a good day, all day, doing what you want to do and remember to be loving, kind, generous to a fault and shop until you drop so that list is whittled down to a big nothing. Enjoy, treat yourself to lunch out and have something you really love....relax...enjoy....and catch up when you have time. Off for a refill, feet up, news is early morning, no rush, no fuss...just the start of what I hope will be a banner day. Later gater...i will be back....

Friday, December 13, 2019

Friday Evening

Hello again. A quiet day, no visitors today, everyone staying close to home and inside. I wont say it is cold but it has a bit of a bite to it...winter is coming on and our choices will be few....cold, cold, and cold. smile. All is good. A lonely day as everyone stayed hunkered in today. It has been quiet within these walls also. A lot of folks have gone off for the holiday so it is quiet. Weather wise we are cold and far. Haven't heard any news so am not sure what is coming our way. I hope your entire holiday season is going to be just what you and Jo want it to be. Enjoy the moments and find reasons to laugh out loud. Keep me posted when you have some time. Give Jo a hug and ask her to give you one back from me. Back to my 'cop' show...all is quiet. Girls are good and hunkered down today. I don't think anyone was in the mood to go anywhere or do anything they didn't have to do. Give Jo a hug and get one back....maybe next year we can find a way to celebrate the holidays, or at least one of them together. I think of the house on the beach, the surf, the sun, the quiet, good food, aah....maybe next year. We could win a lottery....wishful thinking never hurts. I am off to watch another show; feet up; hot coffee and there is nothing good in this house...nothing....a shame....jelly on bread does not do Love you more every day. Catch up when you have some time. Give Jo a hug and get one back.

Friday Morning

Pitch black out my window; coffee cup empty; Good morning. I hope you and JO are fit as fiddles this morning and up and doing what you want to do.I am not awake yet but working on it. I am off for a coffee refill, feet up, news on, and wake up. Hope you two have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Catch up. Love you, more every day.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday Evening

Hello!!! It has been a busy day for me and that is always good; busy is something I like to be; spent time at the Gallery and it was fun as we had several folks drop in ready to shop and find something for under their tree. We had a couple of ladies drop in that we had not seen in awhile and that is always fun. I wish I could tell you more of the detail but the mind is going slowly and surely and I don't remember much after the hours change...This getting old is not fun and I don't know the rules for...but a challenge and I will do my best to stay 'smart' ha.ha. that will be novel..ha.ha. It was on the cold side, wanted to rain but didn't, a slow type day and not to many drop ins. WE were happy to see the few that took time out to come and see what we had and each one did find something they couldn't leave behind. I think Chris was pleased by the end of the day. All in all it was fun and the folks are fun to visit with. I think I have been invited back to help again tomorrow...and that isn't bad at The weather is changeable, wants to rain bu doesn't; probably wants to snow but wouldn't I find it a bit colder than usual but it is getting to that time of year. We went out to breakfast and had a good one, all tables full, folks out and about ready to shop for the day. We did some but not a lot so the till wasn't over flowing..ha.ha. when does that happen??? not often around here. I think Good Will gets all of the business... I hope you and JO have a wonderful day, all day, doing what you want to do. Know you are missed and well loved. I wish you two were here or we were there just to be together...but..oh well, it is the way of our world. I love you ..more every day. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Feet up, tv on, hot coffee in my is good!!! I will be back.....idle threats get me a lot of attention..ha.ha. I love you, more every day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday Night

I am getting ready to shut down and do a little nothing for awhile before I hit the hay and snooze the night I hope you and Jo had a good day all day doing what you wanted to do. It was a quiet one for me and I do not mind quiet wonder if that has to do with age???? ha...ha. don't answer that. It was a good day, didn't go out, didn't do a lot, but what I did do was necessary to make things work easily for the holiday. The girls and I decided not to exchange gifts this year again as we can think of other things that need doing and Pat found her pocket book empty as her car had a problem and she had to take it to the garage; there went her money... If I had money in the bank I would help her buy a new car. Once the cars get aged they start to be costly and there goes all your savings. Well, a car is a necessary evil as we all agree. I hope you and Jo wake up to a happy Christmas morning, open your gifts, have a wonderful breakfast and relax and enjoy each other for the day. One of these years, not to far down the road, you will have to plan a trip to visit me as I doubt I will do much in the line of travel. I think it has to do with age...ha.ha. yeah...old..yuck...but it has to happen and I am doing really good so I cannot complain...but I like to..ha.,ha. I hope your Christmas morning is fun, filled with love and smiles. Give Jo a hug from me and ask her to give you one from me too. each other and be happy. I love you both I hope I get to see you some time before this new year is over with. If I had a lot of extra money I would plan a trip your way but it proves to be a little more than I have so I'll be content to see you and Jo when you come this way.... Meanwhile be good to each other. Keep the love light glowing. Be the bright light in my world as I watch the two of you enjoy life one day as it comes. I'm off to make a cup of hot tea. I am not going to have something good with it as it is late and you know what would happen to my waist line. Well,it has already happened but adding a little pinch more here or there is not a good idea. I love you both. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Love you more every day. Good night...Sweet Dreams....Love you more every day. Mom

Good Night....Sweet Dreams....ZZZZZZZ

Wednesday Night.....early, after seven p.m. but I have had it for today. I am going to go and read off....aah.....ha.ha. It has been a good day all day, no complaints; no one listens anyway...ha.ha. All is good. No big problems and the little ones disappear when you ignore them..ha.ha. I love you; give Jo a hug and get one back. Skype me tomorrow and catch me up on what you two are up to. I hope your Christmas has and is going the best it can. I think we ladies are going out for breakfast; we decided no gifts as we have other things we want to do with our funds. It is good when all are in agreement. I will be back tomorrow and catch you up on what we did or did not accomplish....wish you were here with us. Give Jo a hug and get one back. I am heading for a read, got a good book off, tired of same old same old words...Trump....Pelosi....impeachment....the Donald and FBI and purpose of investigation....reports...findings....those are the words I am I am going to shut it off; go to bed with my book....and turn in earlier than usual....Give Jo a hug, get one back. Love you more every day. Good night, sweet dreams...catch up tomorrow. Love you more every day.

Wednesday Morning

There are Two silver, one white, one black and one blue car in front of my window this morning....I cannot see in the windows across the way, as it is pitch black there. The sky is pale, the trees are still, the little bird is on the roof top and several have lights on in the hospital wing and a couple are snoozing in. I am up, not quite awake but working on it. Coffee hot and tasty helps... I am wondering what this Wednesday morning is going to hold for me. I cannot think of any plans made and I am really not awake all the way but I am working on ....aah!!! black and hot....aah!!! Now where is that big fat jelly have been eaten some time ago...of course, nothing sweet ever stays in the cupboards of this apartment...well long enough to lay on the shelf for a minute or two and out!!! I hope your day is a good one and you find things to do that you have been wanting to do. Mid week is a good shopping time and you can whittle your way down your Christmas list. I have some shopping to do as I find I must have thrown out the old wrapping paper, a surprise, as I usually save it from year to year. Maybe I'll find something new and different and the fun is in the looking. I wish you a good day all day doing what you want to do. I hope you find that one gift that has been illusive for that one person who is impossible to buy for...we all have at least one on our list. A card with an open date for a luncheon out is always a good idea and well received. My coffee cup is empty. The news is on. I have time to sit and sip so off I go. I hope you find fun things to do today and finish up that list you have been working on. Don't forget you need wrapping. Have yourself a lunch out; order something can work on your waist line all next year. I am off to wake up, have a refill of hot coffee, feet up for awhile longer and wonder why I suffer through the news...I am still waiting for 'good" news...I think D.C. thrives on bad news. Trump, Trump, the boy is marching...ha.ha. I am off for my refill of hot coffee, feet up, and wake up. Go...have yourself a good day all day, one you want to remember for a long time.

Wednesday or Hump Day as it is known!!

Good morning. One eye open, coffee cup empty so need a refill. The street outside my window looks wet and the little bird is on the roof top across the way. All is quiet. I wish I had lots of news to share but it has been quiet around here. I am looking at a very pretty sky and waiting to enjoy a new day, other than that I am not even awake but working on it. I hope you and Jo have a good day all day doing what you want to do. As for me, I need a refill of my coffee cup; something to go with it, but there is nothing good in this house....some fat lady beats me to all the goodies. Have a good day doing what you want to do. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Catch up when you have time and let me know how you two are doing and what you are doing....Consider yourself hugged. I am off for a refill, feet up, news on, and a new day. I love you more every day...have a good one doing what you want to do. I'll be you more every day. Give JO a hug and get one back.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Good Morning Again...and!!!

Hello. I am sitting here at the computer and thought I might stop in and say hello...again....ha.ha like the proverbial bad penny!!!! It is hazy out my window; all the worker cars are parked under my window and there are three silver cars and two black that I can see. It is hazy out there today, wants to rain and might, haven't heard any news. Cowboys on this morning. The little bird is on the roof top still and there are a couple of little ones on the tree just sitting there like they own the tree..and they probably do. The tree is in front of one of the hospital windows so the person inside can see out and see the birds watching them. I have my shoes on, waiting for time to pass to go up for lunch. The incoming cars are all silver in color but one that just went by is a bright and beautiful deep red. Out of all the cars parked outside my window I would say five are silver in shade but there are a couple of black ones or very dark blue, one almost a purple shade. It wants to rain but so far has stayed dry. The birds are busy flying in and out of the bushes. One or two come and sit on my fence for a short while but do not seem to want to stay very long. As you can see there is nothing new to talk about this morning...a quiet morning and I am ready for lunch as I am hungry. I get up so early and have something before my feet are used to the I hope you and JO have a great day doing what you want to do. I wish I could have sent you some lovely presents to open but it is too hard when you already have most of what you want and what you don't have I cannot But if I had money I'd fill your list from top to bottom. So, that is my 'take' for the moment. I have my shoes on and will head up for lunch time soon. I'd rather be going out for a nice juicy steak but the girls are busy and have things to do. A new car just left the yard and it was different in shading, some shade of light green, soft and not hard to look at. Most of the cars area light grey that seems to be the most popular color. I don't like having the mind change; goes off without me....want it to stay as is so I can function. This getting really old is an special education all its own and I am not sure I am going to like it even a little...probably say that a dozen times or I love you and Jo. Hope you have a special holiday and celebrate. Catch up when you have some time. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Love you more every day.

Now It's Tuesday Morning

Good morning. Tuesday all day, um...wonder what is in store for us. It looks a bit light lavender in the sky this morning. The worker cars are all parked under my window, lights are on over in the hospital wing and the little bird is on the roof top watching the workers drive in. I have one eye open, coffee cup empty and that will never do. So, I wish you a good day, all day, doing what you want to do. I hope you find something to smile about. Be sure to save your tears for when they are needed...which I hope is Come to think of it a good cry never hurt anyone..ha.ha. and you said??? ha..ha. The morning stillness, the bird on the roof top, the lavender sky, the cars parked on this side under my window and silence....not a bad way to start a new day. Go...fill your morning cup with your favorite beverage and relax and enjoy. Later catch up and tell me all your I am off to refill my coffee cup, feet up, tv on, and wake up. I will be back...Hugs to all.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Another few words on a Monday

Time is going slow this morning as I wait to go up for lunch. Some things have not changed since earlier this morning as the little bird is on the roof top and another is sitting in the branches of a small I look closer there are three birds in the tree, one sitting high on the left side, one midway on the right side just under the roof and then there are three down below on the lower limbs. I haven't seen that many birds out there in a long time. Maybe we have a storm moving in and they are finding their 'hidey hole' meanwhile the worker cars are parked under my window. I have three white, one black and a beige, more tan than beige, a new color. I am waiting patiently for time to go and have lunch...I am hungry...and I don't want to go into the kitchen and find a snack as that would spoil my lunch... is that is what is known as a conundrum??? It is a soft sky, a grey sky, trees are still. The birds are out this morning as there is one on the roof top and another in the tree beside the roof top, in fact there are two birds in the tree, no, wonder what is going on...maybe a storm on the way and they know something we don' Okay, I have done enough groaning and moaning, so shoes on, feet on the floor and out the door....I can walk around the hall and the dining area and up and down the hallway for exercise. Have a good rest of the day to yourself doing what you want to do. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.....and share a hug or two. Hugs to all.

Another good Monday

Hello Again, I am sitting here at the computer looking out the big picture window at a wet street, parked cars that are all new looking. It is going to rain I think, it looks like it wants to. The bird is on the roof top waiting to find out, there is a small square under the eaves it could sit on but it never does. I'd like to show it to it.ha.ha. The little birds, two of them are in the trees, one low near a bush and the other high up hanging over the roof top. It is quiet around here. The sky is soft so we may have more rain. I haven't had any breakfast so you know I am hungry and heading for the kitchen. I don't want to wait until lunch time..I might starve to death...ha.ha. No new news. All is the same. I see silver is the color for the cars this morning along with one black and a pretty tan one. I think I like that one best. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Have a good day doing what you want to do. I am off to find my shoes and get ready to go to the kitchen and find a little something to tide me over until lunch time. I get up so early I get hungry just before time to go up....leave it to me...ha.ha. Have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Give Jo a hug or two and get them back....have some fun today. I am off...ah, ah, no comments from you..ha.ha. I love you more every day. Give Jo a hug and get one back. I think we are in for some rain. Off I go. love you more every day. bye for now.

Monday Morning

Good Morning. I hope you and JO have a good day all day doing what you want to do. I have one eye open, dark out my window, a lot of lavender in the sky this morning and all is still, not a leaf moving. The worker cars are in front of my window and a couple of roos are lit up over in the hospital wing. I have one eye open, off for some hot coffee and wake up. I hope your day is going to be g r e a you. bye for now.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Still Sunday night ...

I have nothing new to add, just was passing the desk and the computer was there doing a lot of nothing so I thought I'd hit the keys and say hello....again..ha.ha. I am being silly. but, no reason not too...ha.ha. How are you and Jo doing? Did you get all of your Christmas 'things' done? I am not doing much of anything this year. I am losing the spark that goes into shopping...there is not enough money to buy everyone a caddy..ha.ha. but I would if I could...ha..ha. famous words...ha..ha. I am off to read awhile. Nothing on that interests me. The Hallmark movies are not up to par this year, or I am not... A good day was had by all. I think the weather is going to be okay..but time will tell....I am wishing I could give each of you the moon with a fence around it but that is not possible unless someone leaves a fortune on the doorstep. But I can wish you the best in health and a little wealth as you struggle along. Be good to each other for that is the most important fact of all. I love you. I hope your Christmas is g r e a t!! Off I go.... Good night and sweet dreams. Catch up when you have time. Love you, more every day.

Back Again

Enjoyed the first visit so thought I'd come back...ha.ha. nothing new. it is on...feet up....I was just thinking about you and Jo wondering what kind of a day you had. I wondered what plans you have made for the holidays. Will you go off to visit Jo's family? Or stay put. I know it is hard to get this way...wish it were not so.... Nothing new. I am moody today, goes with the weather I think. It has been one of those days when you can expect rain but it doesn't come. Just an idle threat. All is well. I just wanted to touch base and send a hug or two. Hope your day was a good one. Love you both. Catch up when you have some time. Love you.


Day is ending, going to go sit in my easy chair and watch tv and not move for awhile. Been a busy day, a good day, and I have no complaints.....well.....ha.ha. I wont think of anything...there is nothing to complain about. It has been a good day shared with the girls. I have had delicious snacks and food so am fat and sassy. It has been a dreary wet day so having the girls to keep things up made a big difference. I am lucky they keep an eye on me....they could worry about my getting into trouble, ha..ha...ha.. So, a good Sunday. I hope you and Jo had a good day all day doing what you wanted to do. Take time to write and let me know how you two are doing. I'mm off to my easy chair, some tv, hot coffee, shoes off....aaah....aah....what more is there???? ha...ha. well..let me see...... Catch up and let me know what you and Jo did today...something fun I hope. I love you, more every day. Sleep sweet when you get there. Love you.

Another Post for a Sunday Morning!!

Hello again. I just got back from having breakfast out with Pat, Donaelo and Erin. WE went to the Brick House and as usual, or a always, the food is good there. Breakfast is anyway. Haven't been out for dinners there in some time, um...a good idea, I will have to treat to a dinner out soon. Our Sunday is going to be a rainy one. It is starting to drizzle a little. The bird is on the roof top so will get wet if it doesn't learn how to to to the little block under the eaves where it would be safe and dry. There is a new small car on the lot this morning and it is a very colorful blue with a purple tinge to it, different, not sure what it is called as far as color is concerned. It is good looking. The others are either beige or white. The trees are still, not a bit of wind this morning. So, we have a new Sunday, a quiet day, feet up, tv on and relax....sounds good to me. smile!! Have yourself a good day doing what you want to do. Relax and enjoy. I am off for the easy chair, feet on the hassock, tv on, a peek at the newspaper puzzle and relax. I may be back, or maybe I will be invited out and I will go out the door, time will Have a good day, all day, doing what YOU want to do...let the 'have' to do wait awhile. smile. Hugs to all.

Sunday Morning

Good Morning. It is early and the little bird is on the roof top across the street. The trees are still, a bit on the dark side and only one shade is up over in the hospital wing. The worker cars are parked in front of my window this morning and three are silver in color, one blue and one white, the rest I can't see without standing up and I am to lazy for It is Sunday morning, quiet. I have one eye open, not quite 'all' awake...the mind is still snoozing and the eyes are at half mast..ha.ha. some shape i am in for the shape that I am Sunday, wet macadam so it must have rained a bit. It is still right now, nothing going on even the little bird is sitting quietly. I am going out with my girls for breakfast so I am waiting patiently for the clock to move...not fast enough to suit I am one of those who wake up hungry, head for the kitchen and have coffee on and something in my'fist' first thing....and you wondered how I got such a lovely girlish figure. It is quiet, five of the worker cars fit under my window and they are all on the white, light grey, or silver looking. There is one blue, the rest I cannot see. It is silent at the moment. The trees are still. There are a couple of rooms over in the hospital wing that are showing lights are on but they have not opened the blinds as yet. A new day, and hopefully a good one. I am off for a coffee refill, feet up, news on and watch the news. I hope your day is a good one and you get to do all you want to do. Let the 'have to' do go until another Be a love bug today and pass out a hug or two. Most folks can use one even if they do not say so. Be good, be kind, be YOU!! Hugs to all.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Good night

Just saying good night, sweet dreams and see you in the morning....I wish...but a skype isn't all you, more every day. Give Jo a hug and get one back. I am going to have my tea, feet up, tv on, and all is quiet. Have a good snooze when you get there; give JO a hug and get one back, that makes two..ha.ha. I love you. I wish we were closer to share time. Have a Merry Christmas morning and give Jo a hug from me and have her give you another one from me. Have a wonderful happy day and enjoy each other. Love you. Off I go, feet up, tea cup in on....and no, I am not going to snooze in my chair..ha.ha. to late for that, I had one or two of those cat naps today. I love you both , more every day, have a Merry Christmas and be good to each other. Love you. Good night...sweet dreams.

After Lunch Time

Hello again. It has not rained yet but it sure looks like it wants to. All the worker cars are in front of my window and one is an electric blue, must be the newest shade, bright and deep. The others are all silver n shade, and a black one. The bird is on the roof top. The trees are still. All is quiet and i have a crossword puzzle going. So off I go, just want to say hello to you and Jo and let you know I love you more every day. Catch up when you have time and let me know what you two are up to. I hope something fun. Love you, more every day. bye for now.

Good Morning!!

A new day, hope it is a good one and you get to do all you want to WEll, at least some things. Take time out to smell the roses... I am up, not quite awake but working on it. It is pitch black out my window, nothing moving. No one up over in the hospital wing. I hope you have plans for a fun day, a busy day, a day that will make you happy and make you smile. Give JO a hug and get one back. I am off for a coffee refill, feet up for awhile, news on, talking snow in the mountains, better up there than around No new news. Too early, smile. A new Saturday so maybe a little shopping will come about. but right now a coffee refill, feet up, news on, and wake up. I hope you and Jo have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Catch up when you have time. I love you, more every day. I am off to wake you. bye for now

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday Afternoon

Hello. It is the same, no change, no rain, just a threat that There is a new banana yellow car out in the parking lot this afternoon; strange color for a car, different, not one I'd choose. Enjoyed my trip out to the stores, lots of stuff out there to see but I am not interested in buying it and bringing it home. No little ones and the 'big' ones have everything they need or can get it...that is good for my pocket book..ha.ha., ha... Enjoyed my shopping trip out although I didn't find anything I couldn't do without. The girls have everything they need or want. I would have to have a hefty bank account to afford trips for them. I would love to be able to afford a nice trip, could even send them to visit you..then they would have to take me along..ha.ha. All is good, wants to rain but doesn't,yet I think it might before the day is over It gets darker but so far no rain. i'd love to see a good heavy down pour. I am having a coffee break with a early for my dinner and i am hungry. I really would love a big fat but don't have the makings and am not planning any more outings today. Some of the night workers are coming in and parking in front of my window. A few of the day workers are leaving so there is a couple of empty spots waiting to be filled. Your turn....get busy a send a few words....a nice one or two wouldn't Give JO a hug and get one back. I am having a coffee break and it taste pretty good. Try it you may find you like it...ha.ha. love you more every day. Give JO a hug and get one back from me. love you...more every day.

I'm back!!!

You know what they say about pennies...good or bad...ha.,ha. just got back from a shopping trip with Pat and walked the aisles. I saw many things I would love to gift but the prices deter and I didn't buy anything. It is cloudy today, not cold, a bit on the warmer side, but no sunshine. The worker cars are all in front of my window and one is a new grey one that is really a pretty one. Shoes off.....going to fix me a cup of tea soon. Didn't eat out but thought about I hope you and JO are having a fun day doing what you want to do. Catch up and say hello when you can. Shoes off, chair awaits, tv on...and I have time to wait until it is dinner time...and there is nothing good in this house...ha.ha. Hope you and Jo are having a fun day. Love you. Catch up when you have time.

Friday Morning

Good morning I have one eye open. It is pitch black out my window and I am enjoying my first sips of coffee....should wake me It is a new Friday morning and I have no plans. I am not awake..ha.ha. How are you today? I hope up and ready for your new day. It is Friday a good day to shop until you drop and get all of your shopping done just don't forget the wrapping paper and ribbon. I am looking at a deep blue, almost lavender sky. there is no breeze so every thing is still, cannot see the roof top across the way so do not know if the little bird is there or not. There are a few window lights on in the hospital wing so a few folks are stirring for the day. I am not awake so am going off to refill my coffee cup and wake up. I hope your day is a good one and you get to do all you want to do. This Christmas shopping takes time and concentration. What to get??? What to buy??? What would be good for???? Who would like???? Um....I think a few dollars in a card would solve a problem or two and the recipient could buy what they really wanted. A lesson in how to take the fun out of I have one eye open, I have an empty coffee cup. I have news on. I am waking up slowly and I am going off to my chair and sit awhile...feet up...listen to the news and wake up. Have yourself a good day all day doing what you want to do. Get the Christmas shopping done and over with then you can relax. If you are planning baking party, get busy as Friday is always a good baking day. Put a smile on your face, a hug or two cannot hurt and share you with those you love and like. Enjoy your Friday, make it worthwhile. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be YOU!!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Good Night!!!

Closing early tonight...all tired to read a bit and snooze. I'll talk with you tomorrow.....I have had it today..yawn...yawn....yawn..... love you. sleep sweet. good night.

good night!!

falling asleep in my chair...calling it a day....sleepy tired. talk with you tomorrow. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Skye me tomorrow and let me know what you two are up to Yawn...Yawn.....must be the night love you, more every day.

After dinner

Hello. Just left the kitchen, all cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. I had my dinner and am having my coffee. Hope you and Jo have had yours and are content with your meal and your day. It was a quiet one around here. I did a bit of puzzling upstairs but we are a long way from being finished. All is good The girls are fine, busy, doing all kinds of busy things..Chris has a lot to do at the gallery and seems to be the 'head' one...if there is such a person as I think there are three or four who believe they are head honcho. smile. It was a lovely day, a quiet day, and all is good. I didn't get out and about but will tomorrow as I have a little shopping to do. We all agreed not to exchange gifts this year and it makes it hard as that is the first thing i want to I put my little tree up but decided not to decorate it. I think it looks great just the way it is. No one has been bothered so far although I think Pat asked when I was going to get the decorations out. I like it just as is...ha.ha. a lot less work and more of the spirit..ha.ha. I hope you and Jo had a good day doing what you wanted to do. I wish we were all closer to celebrate the holidays together but that is a long way off I guess. Jock has been very busy out hunting and seems to be doing great this year. I doubt he will try to make it up. I miss shopping but as the girls said we all have every thing we need; well....that's their story....ha.ha.... Give Jo a hug, get one back. Enjoy your holidays...Give Jo a hug from me. Have her give you one from me...I love you, more every day. My coffee is hot, the tv is on, my chair is empty..but not for Have a good rest of today and know i love you more every day. Give JO a hug and have her give you one back from me. Catch up when you have time. Love you..more every day.

After Lunch Time!!!

Just getting back from lunch. A lot missing, must have gone Christmas shopping or a going off for the holidays. A few missing today. I am staying in for awhile as I have a small headache. I don't usually get those so I might as well take advantage and put my feet up for awhile. WE have sunshine today and all of the worker cars are under my window. Not one i'd give a nickel for....All seem smaller than normal...must be a new style out there. I am going to sit quietly for awhile...have a good book going...have a little newspaper that has not been opened,....have to take the time to sit and mind my manners. smile. I hope you and Jo have a great afternoon doing what you want to do. Catch up a bit later and let me love you....more every day. Off I go, my easy chair, shoes off, news on, and I may even sleep through it. Going to impeach or not??? Now we shall see who has the power. I love you. Give Jo a hug and get one back. Um, a snooze sounds better all the time...must be the weather as there are clouds in the sky a lot of brightness I don't call clouds..makes the eyes I will take my complaints and go sit awhile, quietly, Love you more every day. Make the rest of your day spectacular.....well...let's not overdo...ha.ha. bye for now.

Another one!!!

Somebody should find something for this woman to do.....ha....ha..... I am sitting here looking out the window to a very light sky, almost no color, trees are still and very dry looking, guess we need a good rain storm. The worker cars are parked under my window. only one of the five out there has no roof window, must be an older model. The cars look shining bright and new not a ding on one of them. It is quiet. It is still. There is no wind at all. The birds are in the tree limbs of a small tree that is in front of the hospital wing.AND...I am waiting to go up for lunch. I am hungry today, wonder what they are going to have, something good and tasty I hope. I just looked out the window and there are four birds out there this morning, that is unusual...wonder what is sunshine but it is a bit brighter than it was. I wish you could see the cars in front of my window, not a ding, not a bit of dirt, there are one black, three white and a grey that i can see. Wonder what cars cost these days....glad I don't have that expense. I am getting ready to go up for lunch and I am hungry. I wake up so early and have my breakfast as my feet hit the wrong with my appetite and that is a good thing as I have energy to face the new day. I have been getting a phone ring but no one there when I pick up the receiver....guess they have nothing to So I have taken enough of your time so will let go and head out the door for the lunch room...well not right this minute as I have to wait for the door to open, ha, ha....but the thought is at the ready, the shoes are on and I am hungry...ha.ha. I love you. Give Jo a hug from me.

Post Two for!!

I am back. I am sitting here at my desk looking out the picture window at the tarmac, the parked cars in front of my window, a truck, a black car and three silver ones; the one white one looks pasty beside the two silver ones. The trees are sill. The bird is on the roof top. Um... a new day and it is like all the I am dressed. I am ready for a new day. I have no special plans but will let the day enfold as it wants rush. no fuss....just wishful thinking...ha.ha. I hope you and Jo have a fun day doing what you want to do today. I have three little birds sitting on the small tree across the way. They do not usually just come and sit but today is the exception. They look very peaceful and right now there are two in the tree and one on the roof top. I am dressed, shoes on, waiting for an invite...think the girls are busy today. All is Wonder what you and Jo are planning for today; something good I hope. Catch up when you have time. I am off for a refill, feet up, news on, and wait to go up for lunch time. I have three birds on the tree across the way at all different levels. The one on the roof is ignoring them. more to write about so I'll say so long for now, I love you more every day. Give Jo a hug and get one back from me.

Thursday Morning

Good morning. Pitch black out my window, worker cars parked on my side of the tarmac, all face in and silence. The sky is almost a violet shade and the trees are still. My coffee cup is empty so I am going to go and refill it...I will be right back. AAH....We have a new Thursday to work with, um...wonder what it holds for us...we are about to find I am looking out my window at a soft sky; a soft shade of blue which makes a lovely backdrop for the tall trees that are still. The roof top of the hospital wing looks a bit frosty this morning and the night lights have a few missing lights on so it is good that the whole string does not go off because of one bulb being out Smoke is coming out of the chimney and going straight up. A new day and I have no plans. I am not all the way awake but working on it. Coffee does help as it is hot and tasty, but most of all it brings back memories of childhood and the mug of hot coffee with milk and sugar that waited for me. Pa was an early riser and he had a knack for making coffee in an open pot. I would never try it as it would probably taste like mud. His coffee was always delicious and there was plenty of sugar and cream if you wanted it but it took quite a few years before I learned to drink it black and never changed. The trees are still this morning, the sky a beautiful soft blue and silence. So, a new Thursday morning and silence reigns right now; a lovely!!! I hope your day is filled with surprises, good ones that will give you reasons to smile. A good day to go shopping and cut your list down. My coffee cup is empty, so, of for a refill, feet up, news on, no rush, no fuss, a new day. Be good, be kind, be generous to a fault and have a day you will remember for a very long time. Be a friend. Be a lover. Be YOU!!! I am off for a refill, feet up, news on...aah...a new day..... Hugs to all.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Now It's Wednesday Morning!!!1

Good Morning to you, good morning to you, it is threatening to rain this morning but so far has not, sky is grey, tarmac is dry now but had been wet so we must have had some rain. The little birds are in and out of the bushes across the way. They have nested over there under the feeders, smart birds. One of m neighbors is out walking and no dog, wonder what happened to it...Strange to see him alone. The girl are off to Costco and will bring me a goodies or two. I was not invited along but that is okay, I don't mind being waited on isn't all bad...ha.ha. It looks like the little bird is on the roof top in the same exact spot he goes to every morning. It has a whole roof to choose from but that one spot seems to be it. The trees are still this morning and the worker cars are under my window. I have a new short short hairdo and I think they clipped a few of the brains with I am not awake...I only look like I am. I hope you and JO have a good day doing what you want to do. Make it a fun day and relax. I am off for a coffee refill,wake up some more and watch some tv news for awhile. Go, have a good day doing what you want to do. Give Jo a hug and get one back. I am off for a coffee refill, listen to tv for a bit, nothing but 'betrayal by President Trump" .."personal gain" " abuse of power" wonder why 'they' expected him to change..... I am off for a coffee and you more every day. Give JO a hug and get one back. Catch up when you have time. Love you more every day.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday Morning

Pitch black out my window; sky is strange and different this morning. There is a dark band of cloud hovering over the tree tops and a lighter almost white sky below. The trees are still, the night lights still on in the hospital wing and all are snoozing as the shades are drawn, only one room light on and the worker cars are facing my window this morning. A new day. Hopefully a good day with a bit of fun thrown in. coffee is hot and delicious. The raisin toast disappeared as soon as it hit the counter. So...I wake up hungry.....have to fill all the empty spaces so I stay fat and I am looking at a reflection of lights on a parked car and the side is reflecting a long row of lights...The little lights look like a ribbon across the windows and along the roof top. All of the cars have a trail of the lights and it is very pretty in the dark of the morning. All is silent. Right now the sky is changing and there is a huge pink area within a soft blue. Three layers of color, very soft, very lovely and beautiful. I think it would make a lovely painting. I have no new news this morning. When I do not go out and about there is little to tell you as there is quiet living within the once in awhile we kick up our heels and make noise but not My coffee cup is that will never do....I am off to fill my cup, hunker down in my easy chair and watch the news. I will motivate eventually but I am in no hurry. It is Tuesday all day and no plans to speak of putting on a thinking cap and see what I can come up with....right now I am looking at a pink band across the tree tops and it is very beautiful. The morning sky is a palette of color from a soft white to baby blue and a bit of pink over the tree tops. A lovely morning view. I am off for a refill of my coffee; feet up; news on; and I am wishing you a good day all day doing what you want to do ..and...along with it a little of what you have to do. Get your work done first then you have the rest of the day to yourself..... Hours to fill; choose Off I go, going to love you and leave you...I will be back.....idle threats not allowed....ha.ha. Be good, be kind, be gentle, be a friend, be a lover, be YOU!!! I'll be back...what's that you said??? I heard that...ha.ha........

Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday Morning!!!

Good morning. I am awake....well maybe not all the way but working on it....The tarmac looks wet, um...rain??? I have no new news, all is good, no one in trouble that I know of...but I bet there is one or two that would like to start of their day with some excitement....not me, I'm moving slow and easy and in no hurry to do much of anything now that I have had my coffee and have opened my eyes for the day. The sky is beautiful this morning, a lot of pink and blue shades throughout. I sit here like I have no place to go and nothing to do but the truth is I am lazy...want to check things out before I go for seconds on my coffee. There is nothing 'good' in this house so I can't hold off for refills of coffee and something good to go with it...I have already devoured all the goodies. So, there is no new news. Family members are all good and not least I am not hearing...ha.ha. old age has some comps. ha..ha. So, I am going to say good morning to you and have a good day all day doing what you want and love to do. I am off to shower and dress and ait to see if I get any offers to go out and about or shop for a few goodies at the grocery store. I am in the mood for some fresh fruit today....a crunchy apple would be good; an orange wouldn't be bad, a banana would be one of each to eat slowly and enjoy before the day is over. I wish you a good day. I wish you a day doing what you want to do. There are a few have tos but you can make short work of those. Have a 'GOOD' day!!! I am off to dress, get on with my day and find reasons to smile. Hugs to all.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sunday Morning!!

One eye open, shades still closed, moving slow and not awake but working on!!! I am off to the kitchen, coffee to put on and I need to wake up more. Sunday. ... um.....a good day all day resting up and doing a lot of nothing a good way to spend a Sunday.....unless one gets a special invitation. ha,ha no end to possibilities. I hope you have a good day all day doing what you want to do. I am heading for the kitchen, put on my coffee pot and find something good to eat...I wake up hungry, how else could I keep this girlish Have yourself a good day all day ...I am hungry. I am waking up. I am off....ha.ha. and you don't have to add to that. Be good, be kind, be loving and have yourself a day you will remember with love and hugs to remember. Hugs to all.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Now It's Saturday afternoon

Sunshine, quiet, been out and about, had lunch out and it was delicious; had a trip to the casino and left a pittance I know better than to take a bundle with Sunshine, beautiful day, lots of folks out and about doing their last minute shopping. A lovely day, a nice ride, a good meal so there is nothing to gripe and groan about...sorry!!!! ha.ha. Have yourself the rest of a weekend that makes you smile. Be good, be kind, be fruitful in getting all of your Christmas presents wrapped. It is a beautiful sunshine day. It is quiet around here as everyone made a bee line for the door and the shops to get their shopping done.' Excitement abounds as Christmas comes nearer....a wonderful, beautiful and loving time of year. Be good Be kind Be all you can be Hugs to all. Jean

Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday Morning!!!

My little calendar says I am waiting to go up for lunch time so have been sipping hot coffee and trying hard not to eat anything to spoil my appetite for lunch upstairs. The sun is out, bright and beautiful, the worker cars are parked under my window this morning and all is quiet over this way. I have hot coffee to sip, trying hard not to eat anything as there might be something special upstairs and I would hate to miss it..ha.ha. All is well. Sun is out....bird on the roof top...sunlight beaming as the cars are parked under my window, as i have already said, and....soon I will be having my luncheon treat with the ladies. I am not expecting any visitors so I will stay up for awhile and puzzle with the ladies. So. off I go...have yourself some fun today and enjoy is a good day to Weekend coming up so make your plans to do something you have been wanting to YOU. Hugs to all.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Morning!!

Good morning. We have sunshine and tiny birds on the hospital roof across from my window. The worker cars are parked out in front and there is no peeking into the cars as the windows are all dark, the sun is on the roof top and the shine gets in my eyes. I don't want to pull the shade as I am really enjoying the sunlight. Want my cake and eat it too...ha.ha. you have heard that remark before and I bet have been able to participate in it...I'd like to see clean windows, that we do not have, the streaks are really bad. I wonder if I put in a complaint it would do any good. Maintenance probably has a schedule and it is never broken. Oh well, there is not a lot to see but the hospital building across the way and some very tall trees and a lot of blue sky. No complaints as it is better than looking at a brick I hope you are feeling good today and ready to enjoy your Thanksgiving feast. I wonder how many will have turkey and I wonder what the other folks will be having that do not like turkey....I cannot imagine anyone not liking turkey but then I like food period...not a fussy eater...just have a good healthy appetite that keeps this girlish figure in tune...ha..ha..what is that you said? I hope you are going to have a wonderful holiday and enjoy friends and family. Share the love you feel; don't be stingy!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Good Morning. Turkey Day....enjoy....don't forget to look for the wish It is itch black out my window all is quiet here and the cowboys are on television. My coffee cup is empty and I am going for a refill, feet up, no fast moving this morning as there is no big rush on today....turkey day...a wonderful meal with family and a chance to share and care. I hope each and every one has a Thanksgiving to be thankful for. Be good, be kind, be loving!! Be YOU!!! Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I'm Back!!!

Hello. It is quiet around here and I am sitting at the computer so thought I'd make a little use of it and say hello. It is an all over cloudy sky today and not a bit of a breeze as there are no laves moving at all. The little bird is on the roof top and the worker cars are in front of my window One lady just got out and is walking away from the car leaving the door wide open....wonder how many steps before she realizes that...not awake yet...moving fast so it must be cold out there. Oh,,oh..she's back and hopped in the car and is backing out; wonder what she!!! It is quiet within the walls here; no noise; no one walking the halls; no one knocking on the door' all is quiet within the walls here. I am waiting for lunch time to go up and hope they have something good today. I am hungry. I get up so early that it is a long time between meals...but my No new news; no old news worth repeated, ha.ha. and in case i forgot to mention it the cars out in front of my window are four and all are grey, each different shading in the way the light hits them. the one who paints the cars must add a pinch of color to each pot as they are all alike but a bit different in shading. A good job as they are all good looking, imagine four cars of different models but all the same color. It is something to see the way the light hits them and changes the shading. All new...all expensive....and there is one more open space to fill. So, that is all my news for now. All is quiet. Waiting for time to pass to go up for lunch. I hope they have something good as I am hungry...Had breakfast hours ago....even a coffee break but I am still ready for something tasty...I do have to work at keeping my girlish figure. Hope you and JO have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Take good care of each other. Catch up when you have time. love you, more every day. bye for now. I'm comment from YOU!!! ha, ha.

Good Morning!!

It is Tuesday morning according to my little desk calendar and I have three light grey new cars in front of my window. Money seems to be floating all around why I don't catch some of No new news. All same old same old....but healthy is good; wealthy would but I gave that idea up a long long time ago...ha.ha. I have been wealthy in having children who are loving and caring and that is a treasure all its own. It is a dull blue sky, almost white, trees are still and the little bird is on the roof top across the way. Silences. I have been poking around and have not had my breakfast so I am going out to the kitchen and check it out ...there has to be something out there. Well there is plenty but nothing sweet...ha.ha... Hope you and Jo have a good day all day doing what you want to do. Have a good one and be kind and loving to each other...make it a special day just because you can. I am off for some hot coffee, see if there is anything left to go with it. For some reason the 'good' stuff disappears and I have no idea where it goes....oh, my left hip is wider...I didn't know that...ha.ha. I love you, more every day. Give Jo a hug from me and tell her I love her too. Be good to each other..have some fun today, do some one thing you love to do. I am off...well you know that...ha.ha. but hoping for some time with the girls later on. Right now I am looking at parked cars outside my window and I have three light grey ones that are beauties; bet they have a good price I have three gray, two black that I can see without stretching..ha.ha. Well, the window is only so Have yourself a good day all day doing what you want to do. Give JO a hug. Off I go, need some breakfast...been poking around and have not eaten yet...and I am hungry ...and...there is nothing good in this house.....ha...ha....did you say that with me? I bet you did...ha.ha. Love you , more every day. bye for now.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Morning

Good Morning. It is pitch black out my window; no movement out there this morning, too early, I guess....or folks are waking up and will be coming in soon for a new work day. The sky is multi colored this morning, some darkness along with some bright light blue. The trees are still. The night lights still on and all is silent. I am almost awake...need a coffee right back. AAH!!!!Coffee, hot and if I had something good to go with it....ha..ha. wishful thinking, nothing stays in this kitchen for long...anything that has a taste goes I have no new news this morning, to early and I haven't heard from anyone yet. I have one eye open...enjoying my hot coffee and the view from my window. The sky is soft baby blue with a few dark clouds floating in it. the trees are still. The night lights are still on in the hospital roof top and the worker cars are all parked under my window...a new day... I hope your day is a great one, filled with all the things you love to do. Give Jo a hug and get one back...enjoy your you, more every day. um...good stuff!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Saturday Morning

A big black truck, cars all parked under my window this morning. It is quiet...still. nothing moving. The sky is a soft blue, trees are still, night lights still on and shades down in the hospital wing. All is quiet. I have one eye open, coffee and delicious. I had a piece of dry toast which I should have left it takes that sweet roll to wake up smiling. All is off I go to blog a bit about what I have no idea but I will think of something. Saturday morning, cowboys on, no rush, no fuss....and I have no new news so I will be back later. Have yourself a good day all day doing what you want to do. Bye for now. Hugs to all.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Afternoon...I am back!!!

The mind is the first to go; I am proof of that. Some days it is easy to get a note or a longer missile off but then there are days like today....slow brain....not with it...wishful thinking....this getting old stuff is not fun...a pain to put up with but it beats the alternative. It is Friday afternoon and it is a little after two. I have had company which is always good. I have had a good lunch and even a little desert have nothing to complain about...and I know the old adage 'that nobody listens'...and who can blame them.. not me. It is hazy outside. There has been no sunshine today, no rain either, just a dull day and cold out there. A big black truck is trying to back into a space and is on a wrong angle; dumb head should pull out and reline but no has to try again and it still doesn't does take all kinds to make the world go I have been sitting here at the computer doing a lot of nothing so I am going to leave it as is and go sit in my easy chair and continue to do a lot of nothing. It is dull, almost to the rain stage and cold so inside is good..feet at the ready if bored with tv and a new day is going bye slowly...not bad. There is a lot of activity outside as the workers are changing shifts. Several cars have left and a new one is in. The lady has a phone in her hand and is talking away. She has a very colorful shirt on with a lot of pink flowers. I have no new news so I am going off to sit in my easy chair, turn on the tv and do nothing is just that kind of day. I hope you are healthy, happy and finding things to do that make you smile. I will be back...when??? who knows....soon...ha.ha. love you. bye for now.